Chapter 66

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I woke up around noon. I looked at Cameron who just got out the shower. "Oh, morning. Want me drive you home?" He asked. "I might as well, it's just I don't know what to say anymore. I'm ready to leave." I said shrugging. "Don't say nothing, just stay quiet. Unless someone ask you a yes or no question." He said putting on a shirt. "I'm ready." I said putting my hair in a pony tail. I got in his car and we drove to my house in silence. "Call me." He said as we pulled up. I nodded and gave him a cheek kiss. I got out and went through the door. "Dad! Mom!" I shouted. I went upstairs to my door and heard talking coming from Jack, Nash, Jacob, Taylor, & Beatrice. I opened it and rolled my eyes. They all hugged me. I only hugged back Nash & Jack. I stayed quiet while Jack started talking. "Where were you? Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and found a fresh pair of clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed. I saw razors in my shower, I was so tempted, but I'm 4 months clean. I went out and sat on my bed and went on twitter, while they sat whispering. I couldn't hold anything in. "Why the fuck are you two even here?!" I yelled looking at Bea & Taylor. "We just wanna-" Taylor started. "I don't wanna hear it! You loved her this whole time! I know. So when you are ready to be friends, text me! & you," I said pointing at Bea. "How could you do that to Cameron?! He has loved you and you hurt him like that. With Jacob? Really? You don't know him." I said. I looked at Nash. "And you, thank you. I could never explain how much you tried helping me. I love you Nash." I said hugging him. "I'm sorry Jack." I said. He nodded. "Jacob, I hope you get your wish to go home because, I hate you and I am ashamed to say you're my brother." I said shrugging. "Aby, can we just talk?!" Taylor pleaded. I laughed. "What is there to talk about? About Jennifer? You loved her this whole time and hurt me and Jack? Or.. or. Or that you love me? Wait no, never could be true." I replied. "Bea you really need to leave, because I have no respect for you right now. And you Taylor, goodbye." I said turning away. "Aby! Give them a chance to talk!" Jack yelled. "What so I can relive last night? Be bullied and hurt all over again? You don't know my life! None of you do so just leave me alone! Now! Get out!" I screamed. They all looked at each other and left. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone, I was calling my aunt. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey aunt izzy." I said. "Hey! How's Jack?" She asked. "He's fine, I have a question for you though." I replied. "What is it sweetie?" She asked. "Can I come stay with you till I'm 18?" I asked. It went silent for a little bit. "Are you okay? Do you need to get away from there?" She asked. "I just need to come home for a while. I don't wanna be here for now." I admitted. "Well I'd have to fly down and talk to your parents next week, but it's fine with me." She said happily. "Thanks aunt izzy. See ya next week." I said. "Bye." She said then ended the call. I need to go home, I don't belong here. I went outside and saw Nash sitting on the curb. "Hey." I said sitting next to him. "Hey, wanna talk." He asked. "It's the best thing to do." I replied. "I wanted you to be safe last night, and it's my fault I didn't protect you." He said. "Nash! It's not your fault. You didn't do anything. You warned me and I didn't listen. I have news." I mumbled. "What is it?" He asked. "I've gotten so used to being bullied, I don't know what to do anymore," I cried. "And all night I thought about cutting or just commit suicide, but I didn't... I'm going back to New York." I said. He stood there with his jaw dropped. He wiped the silent tears falling from my eyes and smiled with tears in his. "Do whatever you need to make yourself happy, its obvious being here won't." He said. "I love you Nash. Thank you for always being here for me. Wanna help me pack?" I asked. He nodded and went to my room. After a while, we started messing around and throwing clothes around. I was laughing when jack came in. "Wh-Why are you packing?" He asked angrily. "I'm going to New York. Till I'm 18." I stated. "But there's something I have to tell you.." He trailed off.


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