It Comes And Goes

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"You sure you're gonna be okay by yourself?" Coiny asked, putting on a cap.

"Yes, yes, I'll be alright, Coiny. Go have fun with your old friend." DC smiled sweetly at him.

He smiled back at her. "Alright, thanks ma! I'll see you later!" He waved once more at her as he left the small motel apartment. He spun DC's car keys in his hand, excited to eat out with her again. It had felt like years since they saw each other, so doing something like this again felt really special. A wide smile appeared on his face as he hummed towards the vehicle.

He climbed in and put his seatbelt on. He put some music on and started off to the Chick-fil-A, where the two had first met.


He sighed as he stopped his vehicle in a parking spot. He stared at the building. Many memories came back. It was always both of their favorite place to eat.  Although Penny dropped it when becoming Coiny. It was kinda a natural thing that happened during his transformation. Lots of his opinions and thoughts did.  He didn't think about it much, though. A smile crept onto his face and a burst of energy stepped into his veins as he jumped out of the vehicle.

The cold air hit his face immediately, slowing his roll a bit. He smiled, walking to the entrance. He entered and sat idly in the small room separating the line and the dining area, waiting for Toilet Paper.

About ten to fifteen minutes later another car rolled in, and he immediately recognized it. Not only the car itself, but Toilet Paper as well, in the driver seat. He smiled. She hasn't noticed him yet, of course. He watched as she stepped out of her car and walked towards the entrance.

As she got closer, she noticed him and smiled. She waved at him and walked a little faster. Coiny waved back. She walked into the building. "Hey, Coiny!" She gave him a hug. "I'm so excited to finally eat out together again." She let go.

"Yeah, I am too. It's actually been a while since I've eaten at any Chick-fil-A."

"Whaaaaat?" TP shook her head. "Girl, let's change that." She jokes. "I'm gonna make sure that this meal today is one you won't forget."

Coiny smirked. "So that means you're paying, right?"

TP flinched. "W-Why, of course I am." She regained composure and responded with confidence.

Coiny chuckled. "Alright, lead the way, then." He opened the door and let her walk through.

"I'll order first."

"Hahah, whatever you say, TP."


Penny's mom, Dime drove up to the Chick-fil-A. She parked the car in a handicap spot and studied the front of the building.

The windows in front showed who sat at the tables there, and she could see Penny and TP both sitting across from each other.

She stared, glared, at the two. For minutes. Ten minutes passed. They had finished eating but they kept talking, laughing and enjoying themselves. She envied this. Why did Penny get a happy life? Why did Penny have a better life without her? Penny forgot about her and now taunted her with her stupid ass nickname for her stupid ass sister.

Her blood boiled and she slammed a fist onto her car. A few years escaped her hatred filled eyes as she opened up a small compartment. A few things fell out as she opened it.

Mostly paper, but then she saw what she had originally stashed. A small handgun. She cocked the gun, readying it to fire. Her fiery hatred burned within her soul. She aimed the sights at Toilet Paper's head.

She held her arm, still, in that position for a few long moments. As more time passed her hand started shaking. Then her arm. Then her whole body.

What was she doing?


"What am I doing..?" She kept watching as the two talked and talked away, laughing and reminiscing. She could feel their bond from inside her damn car.  A tear escaped one of her eyes as her arm shook more and more out of position.

Her eyes went blurry from the tears filling her eyes. She felt paralyzed. Why would she do this? Isn't being a parent wanting the best for your child? If she- no, he was enjoying life away from her, then she should support his decision.

Her arm went down. The gun fell into her lap. She stared at it. Then back at the two, who were giving each other a hug. Dime let out a shaky breath. She couldn't do it.

She tossed the gun to the passenger seat and drove off.


By the time the two had stood up, they had finished their food an hour ago. They gave each other a hug. "Thanks, TP. For paying and for catching up."

Toilet Paper laughed. "Of course, Coiny. I've missed you, it's only right I treat you well." She smiled. The two pulled apart.

"Well I gotta go now, though. I can't keep DC waiting for too long."

TP gave him an understanding look. "Yeah, I get that."

The two leave the building. But as Coiny walked for DC's car, TP followed him. He decided not to ask until they got to the vehicle.

Coiny stopped in front of his aunt's car. He turned around to face her. "Is there something you need?"

Toilet Paper's face was red. He didn't know if it was from embarrassment or the cold weather. She had a sad look on her face. Must be tough for her to say goodbye again.

He put a hand on her shoulder. "Is there something you want to say before I go?" He asks with a serious look.

She looked up at him. "Coiny, I know this is kinda selfish, but.." She stood silent. Coiny stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

Toilet Paper finally let out one shaky breath. She leaned up and kissed him. Without warning she did so. Coiny's mind went blank.

..What the fuck?

He zoned out. His mind struggled to comprehend this. Her lips on his, his heart racing, his face heating. It was so new. All of it. Sure, he had blushed before, but this. This was different. By the time his mind flashed back into reality, Toilet Paper was gone.

His mind panicked. Did he..?

He looked around. Then he could see her. She jumped into her car and quickly started driving, almost running into another parked vehicle. And then she was gone.

Coiny stood still, unsure of what to do. He watched as her car went out of sight. He sighed. "Toilet Paper. I'm sorry you're going through this." He muttered.

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