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Needle and Leafy happily walked down the street, holding hands. They had just finished spending some time together at a movie theater. They both had watched a movie they had been looking forward to watching. They spoke rapidly, gushing about the film.

As they talked, something caught Leafy's eye. On the other side of the street, she saw Eraser. His face was stuffed in a hoodie, and he was slumped over like an old man. He walked slowly, and seemed weak. She could tell it was him by his pink hoodie. Coiny had talked about him before, so she knew.

Needle noticed Leafy staring at Eraser, and she stopped, prompting Leafy to stop, too. "Something wrong?"

Leafy had never really worried for Eraser before, but he seemed so.. dead. Leafy had a worried expression on her face. She looked up at Needle. "I'm worried for Eraser." She pointed over at him. He still walked slow, and his face was shrouded by shadow from his hood.

Needle's expression changed into an unsure one. "What are you proposing?"

Leafy looked back at Eraser. Her hand slipped slowly from Needles, and she folded her own hands together in front of her. "I want to check on him." She started moving slowly, as if in a trance, towards him. Slowly. One of her feet touched the street pavement, off the sidewalk.

"LEAFY!" Needle shouted, grabbing one of her arms, and stopping Leafy.

"Huh?" Leafy snapped out of her daze. A car horn went off, loudly. She looked to her left, and saw a vehicle in front of her. In the driver's seat, a pissed off man stared at her. She stepped back, onto the sidewalk again. The car took off, past the two.

Leafy took her attention to the opposite side of the street, as Needle talked about not scaring her like that. Eraser walked into an alleyway. "Needle." Leafy interrupted. Needle quickly shut up. "Eraser just walked into that alley. Let's check it out."

Needle had a nervous smile. She looked away and rubbed the back of her neck "Ahah.. Leafy.. let's just.. mind our business, hahah.." Needle went to grab Leafy's hand, but whiffed. She looked back down, and Leafy wasn't there. Her eyes widened. She saw Leafy on the other side of the street, already. She walked into the alleyway Eraser had walked into.

Needle quickly ran after.


Eraser knocked on Tophats door again. The pair of eyes peered into his, like they did last night. The pair of eyes changed into a confused look. "Raser?" He opened the door. "Back already?" Eraser didn't say anything as he walked in. "Need more?" Eraser shook his head.

"I need a gun." He spoke.

The way he said it must have been pretty eerie, because it seemed to send chills down Tophat. "What do you need a gun for?" He asked.

"..." Eraser looked away. "I'm gonna kill myself."

The slightly uneasy expression on Tophats face morphed into a smug expression. "Hmph. Alright, here." He handed Eraser a small handgun. "Please do it outside, though. I don't need a stinky ass body in my abode. Pleasure doing business with ya."

Eraser stared at the gun. "That's it?" He looked at Tophat.

"What do you mean 'thats it?' This is what you wanted."

"You don't care? You're not even making me pay?"

Tophats brows furrowed. "Raser, I dunno why youre mad. I gave you what you wanted."

"You don't care if I die?"

Tophat scoffed. "I have plenty of customers. You think I care if one dies?"

Eraser gripped the gun with both of his hands harder. "So you're okay with me just dying?"

"Look, it doesn't matter if you kill yourself. Everyone will forget a day or so after. Thats what happened to your friend, right? What was his name? Ben?"

Eraser's teeth clenched. "Shut up."

Tophat was offended. "I don't give a shit about what you say, Eraser. You wanted to kill yourself, so go ahead! Do it!" He shouted. Tophat turned his back to organize a table a little. Eraser looked down at the gun.

He aimed. Then fired.

The bullet collided with the back part of Tophats skull. Tophat gasped as he faceplanted on the table in front of him. Then he bounced off the table, and fell to the ground. Blood poured from his skull. Eraser stared at his body, shaking. The gun was still in his hand.

His breath quickened and he opened the door, and ran out. As he stepped out, he bumped into somebody, and fell back. He quickly scrambled up and grabbed the gun, pointing it at whoever bumped into him.

It was Leafy. She lay on the ground, dusting herself off. "Sorry, Erase-" She cut herself off when she saw the gun pointed at her. She put her hands up slowly, and stood up slowly.

Eraser had tears in his eyes. His arms shook, as he watched Leafy. "E-Eraser?" Leafy had a terrified expression on her face, paired with a bit of worry. "You alright?" She took a step forward.

Eraser took a step back. "Leave here.. please.." Eraser was in a huge amount of distress. "I.. I don't want you to get hurt." Eraser stepped back again.

Leafy stepped forward, and put her hands down. She held out one hand towards him, in a gentle way. "Eraser were you going to.."

Eraser felt more tears spill from his eyes. "D-Does it matter? Nobody.." He stepped back a few more steps. "Nobody cares.." He sobbed.

Leafy shook her head. "Eraser.. what are you talking about? I care."

Eraser held the gun higher. "You don't even know me.. don't lie to me!" He shouted.

Leafy stepped forward again. "I swear on my life. I care."

"If you swear on your life, you're lying." Eraser's breath was shallow now. "If you don't leave, I'll kill you!"

Leafy stayed persistent. "Eraser please. I want to help."

Eraser took a few more steps back. He pushed up against a wall. Nowhere to run. His face became distressed to annoyed. "Fine, if that's what you want!" Eraser's eyes watered as he took aim.


He shut his eyes. He shot three times. 


"Huh?" Eraser opened his eyes. Needle was kneeling. Three bullet holes in her clothes. One on the right side of her hip, on her left shoulder, and left part of her chest. Her face seemed like she seen a ghost.

Eraser dropped the gun. He shot the wrong person. Needle pushed Leafy out of the way.

"Needle NO!" Leafy shouted.

Those words echoed in Eraser's head. He fell to his knees.

Leafy's eyes started to flood with tears. Needle started to lean to one side, and Leafy caught her before she could hit the floor. "Needle.."

Needles head slowly turned to Leafy. Blood started to drain from her mouth and drain down her clothes in a scarlet red mess. Needle took a very long, and raspy breath. More blood pooled out. "Leafy.." She rasped out, before closing her eyes.

Leafy, felt frozen in time. She blinked the tears away and grabbed her phone. She called the ambulance.


When the first responders made their way to the scene, there were two bodies. One girl and one boy. The person that called them seemed to have run away. There was one handgun. After searching around some more they found another body. They recognized him as Tophat.

More commotion happened that night, as the cops arrested and killed a few people that were in the building with the dead body of Tophat.

When all was set and done, it was evening, heading to midnight. Needle's parents were devastated. Eraser's mother didn't really care. And Tophat.. nobody had much sympathy for him.

Leafy stayed in her room ever since she called the ambulance. She couldn't believe what she saw.

Her parents tried to help comfort her, but nothing could cheer her up that night.

Off On The Wrong Foot ~ BFB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now