Late Night Accident

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It had been a week and a half since Pin talked to Coiny on the bus. Some things happened since then.

He met up with Snowball and his friends.. twice. Did some things he probably shouldn't have done. He talked a lot with Needle. Leafy sometimes tagged along with them. He met up with Pin and Firey once to talk away their differences. They actually became pretty chill friends. They hung out one time after that meeting.

He also learned a lot about other people. Pen was an artist, and did graffiti as a hobby. He usually asked for people's permission, but sometimes didn't. Eraser was on the football team at the school. Blocky had a growing YouTube channel, and was a prankster. Snowball was also on the football team, and he went to the weight room everyday. Leafy was the leader of the writing club. Firey was on the basketball team and had tons of girls all over him. Pin was the leader of the baking club, and Coiny had learned about how Firey and Pin met up. The supposed sister Bubble had was Bubble's cousin, and their name was Ice Cube. He briefly talked with Loser and Cake, too.

But he really learned a lot about Needle. She liked doing art, but her real passion was dancing. She was a member of the dance club at school, and took a few private dance lessons once a week. Her favorite food is french fries. Her favorite color is black, despite her grey centered color scheme. And she had a fear of bugs.

They shared stories with each other, they hung out almost everyday, and they comforted each other.

Coiny wasn't gonna lie. He had started to become attached, to the point where he felt feelings that he'd never felt before. Butterflies and knots in his stomach. Sweat. And occasional blushing. He couldn't deny, he had a crush on her. And he wanted to tell her about it. He just wasn't sure when to pull the trigger.

"Coiny?" Needles hand waved in front of Coiny's face.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. What is it?"

Needle frowned, but quickly smiled again. "I was just talking about how Leafy and I were going to the mall later today."

Coiny rubbed the back of his head. "Oh.. yeah, right."

Needle looked at him suspiciously. "You ok Coiny?"

Coiny nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Needle laughed. "No you're not. I know when you want to talk about something." She puts an arm around him and scoots closer.

A warm feeling bubbles in Coiny's heart. "I've just.. been.. ugh." He says. Needle gives him a patient look. Wow she was so tall. He scrunches down more. "I've just been stuck with my feelings." He mumbles.

Needle didn't hear him, but nodded still.

"And I just don't know how to cope with them." He rolls his eyes.

Needle nods again.

Coiny stands up. He wanted to stay, but it was getting too awkward. "I think I should go. I need to.. clear my mind." He says, clutching his forehead.

Needle gives him a disappointed look. "Ok.. bye Coiny." She waved at him as he walks away from her bedroom door.


It was Friday, so he was gonna go meet with Snowball. Even though this was only his fourth time there, he felt like he knew the place like the back of his hand. He steps inside The Jelly. It's packed again. Snowball was waiting by himself.

"Hey, Coiny! What up?" He says, and does a synchronized handshake with Coiny.

"I've been good. Where are the other three?" He asks.

"Comin'. Except Eraser. He got some 'issues' he has to deal with."

Coiny nodded. He knew what Snowball meant by issues. While being at The Jelly, Coiny learned that Eraser uses heroin.

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