Stage 2: Anger

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Coiny was laying on his bed. Facing the wall. He didn't feel anything at the moment.

Coiny ignored the call on purpose. He didn't feel like talking to her yet. Her high pitched voice came through the phone, in a voice message.

"Please talk to me, Coiny. I don't know what you are going through, but I just want to be friends again."

Coiny didn't feel moved at all. He kept staring at the wall. In fact, he felt more pissed than anything. She was already over it and wanted to get back as friends. Yet he was still mad as fuck. His heart was broken.

His brows furrowed as tears appeared in his eyes.

He shot up and grabbed his phone. He proceeded to throw it across the room. It crashed against the wall. The screen shattered.


Coiny started crying even more. He didn't have a functioning phone and he just got rejected. Great.

Aunt DC comes running into the room, a horrified expression on her face. "Coiny! Coiny are you... Ok?" She slows down, watching him on his bed, crying. He didn't look up at her.

DC didn't know how to react. "C-Coiny, what's wrong?" She knelt next to him. He sniffled.

"Coiny, baby, I'm here for you." She says, hugging him close.

Coiny doesn't respond. He doesn't life his arms. He just keeps whimpering and crying.

Aunt DC ignored the smashed phone. She could talk to him about it later. All she wanted was for her baby to be happy.

"I'm sorry, Coiny." She says, even though she has no idea what he is going through.


"Coiny?" Aunt DC knocked on Coiny's door. "You have to get ready for school!"

"I don't feel like it." He mumbles, deeply.

"Coiny?" She shouts back. She didn't hear him.

"I said I don't feel like it today!" He shouts, a bit pissed.

"But, Coiny! I know you feel terrible, but you still have to go!"

Coiny growled. "I don't have time for this shit." He grumbled.

He started packing, each motion he took was more aggressive than usual. He put on his light jacket and headed out, not even acknowledging DC on his way out.


Coiny had his fists clenched. He stared at the homework sheet. It was almost the end of class. He hadn't done any homework, but he didn't care. He didn't fell like doing any of this shit ass homework anyway.

Pin talked to him once, asking if he was ok. He glared at her and ignored her.

He didn't feel like talking with anyone. In fact, he didn't feel like doing anything or socializing with anyone..

He was SO...

"Coiny?" The teacher was tapping his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Coiny snapped out of his angered and aggressive thoughts. "Yeah. I'm fine." He grumbled quietly.

"I don't think so." She pointed at his pencil. It was broken. Damn. He was clenching so hard he broke the pencil. "I'm gonna send you to your counselor. You seem very mad. You need to calm down."

Coiny growled. "Fine, whatever." A few classmates watched as he had his little episode. He glared at them. Some looked away immediately. Others kept on.

The teacher filled out a pass and he headed down to his counselor's office. He saw Leafy along the way too, which made him angrier.

He entered.

"Ah, Coiny! Great to see you again!" His counselor, X, greeted.


"Why are you here? D-Do you need something?" X smiled.

"My stupid teacher sent me here." He said, slamming down the pass onto X's desk.

X frowned. "You seem totally steamed, Coiny. Sit down, and let's have a chat."

Coiny rolled his eyes but obeyed, setting his backpack down.

X started, "Did you recently lose someone?"

Coiny scoffed. "N-" But he stopped himself. He actually HAD lost someone else. But he wasn't even focused on him. He was focused on love life. Not his own family member. It made him feel even worse about himself. "N-No." He finally mumbles.

X gives a worried look, but continues. "Have you gotten rejected or dumped by a significant other?"

Coiny doesn't respond for a second. He looks away. "Yeah.." He utters.

"Hm.." X says. "You seem to be in the second stage of grief."

Coiny looked at him. "Huh?"

X pulls out a piece of paper from under his desk. "The five stages of grief." The paper has the word grief on it, and a little cycle with the words Denial>Anger>Bargaining>Depression>Acceptance. "You are currently in the second stage, anger. In the second stage, everything you do is enhanced in aggression, causing you to make rash decisions you wouldn't make normally." X says.

Coiny studies the paper. He scoffs. "What a bunch of bullshit." He says, leaning back on his chair.

"We have some rules setup for these situations." X starts typing something into his computer. "You're allowed to leave the school for the day. You will be excused from all classes. Feel free to leave and go enjoy yourself." X says.

Coiny laughs. "Seriously, this is your solution? This school is a joke." He stands up. "Fine. I will leave. Since you guys want me out so bad." He struts out of the building.


He heads for The Jelly. Not to hang out, but just to keep him busy. He didn't care if he promised not to go here. He didn't give a shit at the moment.

Upon entering, there is nobody Coiny recognizes. They're all middle aged men. Some give him some sideways looks. He ignores them, and shoots a glare back at em.

He sits down, and looks at the beer everyone's drinking. They look like they're having fun.

It wouldn't hurt if he..

"In the second stage, everything you do is enhanced in aggression, causing you to make rash decisions you wouldn't make normally."

X's voice echoed.

Nah. He wasn't in the stages of grief. That's bullshit. He isn't making a rash decision.

He knocked on his table and asked for a cup of beer.

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