Give Away

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Coiny looked down at his phone. He was laying on his bed in his room, waiting for DC to return from running some errands. He was scrolling through YouTube videos, searching for something to watch.

Then the phone rang from another room. It was the home phone.

Coiny groaned, annoyed he'd have to get up, and walked out of his room into the living room, where the phone sat, charging. He picked it up, not bothering to look at the number. "Hello?"

"Hello? Coiny, is that you?" A familiar female voice asked from the other end.

"..Yyyes.. and this is?"

"Oh, I'm Dime. I'm Dollar Coin's sister."

Coiny's eyes widened. "Mom?" He muttered. "What do you need?" He asked. There was a bit of silence from the other end. "Hello?" Coiny asked, oblivious as to what he just said.

Penny's mother cleared her throat. "S-sorry I was just.. in thought for a second. Is Dollar Coin there?" She asked.

"No, she's out right now. What did you want to speak with her about?" He asked.

"I was wondering if she was gonna come over to the family Christmas party this year."

"Oh, that? I'm sure she'll come. She loves socializing with everyone! Like TenD!" Penny reminisces about the past Christmas parties at her house. It was one of the things Penny had really enjoyed doing every year.

There was a bit more silence from the other end. "..How do you know about TenD?"

Coiny's eyes widened. "Shit." He mumbled. "It was- I mean.. Aunt DC told me about it, hahah.." Coiny then realized another dumb mistake he had made. Everything was going downhill.

"Aunt DC... Penn-?" Coiny hung up the phone before any more words could be said. His breathing quickened.

"Oh god.." He muttered. He looked down at the phone in it's charging station. The phone rang again. He checked the number. It was Penny's mom. He ignored it, running to his room.


Coiny needed an excuse to get out of the house once DC came home. Cause his cover was more than likely blown now, thanks to his instincts and past memories as Penny. He scrolled through his contacts, looking for someone to hang with.

Maybe Blocky? He usually isn't busy. He called. After about twenty seconds, a message came up. "Yo, I'm busy righ' now. I'll call ya back lata." Blocky's voice spoke. Coiny grunted in frustration.

He tried calling Leafy. "Sorry, I'm not at the phone currently! Leave a message, and I'll call you back!"

Cake. "Sorry, I'm doing something right now. Leave message."

He scrounged through some old contacts.

Clock. "Can't call right now. I'll call you later."

Bubble. "Sorry! I'm not around to pick up your call right now. Leave a message!"

Pin. "Hello! I'm not available to speak, right now. Call me later, or leave message."

Coiny set down his phone on his bed. He looked down, ashamed. He wasn't ready to face Penny's mother, or DC. She'd be mad for giving it away. Tears threatened him. He trembled and was stiff.

Then his phone rang.

Through soaked eyes, he flipped his phone over and looked at who was calling him. Pin's face greeted him. A smile appeared on his face. "H-Hey, Pin."

"Hey, Coiny! You called me?"

"Yeah, I did." Coiny sighed. "Could we.. hang out? I want to get out of the house for a bit, but I need an excuse to leave."

Off On The Wrong Foot ~ BFB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now