A New Friend Emerges

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It had been over a week since Penny had stopped by at her aunt's house. Now her name was changed. She was now Coiny. Coiny Banks.

Once, while they both were watching TV, here aunt blurted, "Y'know, since you want to start a new life with me, you should get to know some of the people here." She cheered with a smile.

Coiny shook his head. "Eheh.. no need to, aunt DC. You really don't have to-"

"No, no, I insist. You should meet that Needle girl. Oh, she is a sweet one that dear."

Coiny sighed. "Ok. I guess I'll try."

"That's the spirit!" She picked up her phone and went to another room to talk with this supposed Needle girl.

On TV, there was a quick scroll of a missing notice. She groaned, as it slowly revealed her name being missing.

Her aunt apparently had to have one of her friends make an entirely new identity for her. It's technically illegal. So she owed her aunt and her aunt's friend amazingly for everything they've gone for her.

So now she was completely wiped away from existence. As far as anyone knew, she was aunt DC's new adopted child.

Which is what her new past says.

"She's coming now!" Aunt DC shouted. She came back into the living room moments later.

Coiny grinned nervously. "Ok! I'll try my best to get prepared."

"Try taking a shower. You'll need to get used to it, y'know."

Coiny looked down at his work out clothes. She was right. He needed to quickly get used to his new body and clean up his unhygienic body fast.

The past week he hadn't done anything remotely close to hygienic besides wash hands and brush his teeth.

He nodded and went to her new room and grabbed some clothes. She entered the bathroom and grabbed a towel.


Penny had finished taking her shower. She finished putting on her clothes and was now drying her hair. She looked in the mirror as she dried her hair.

It's too long. She would need to cut it soon.

She turned off the hair dryer. She took a long sigh. This was it. The start of her new life.

She tossed the towel she used in a hamper and exited the bathroom.

When he exited, Coiny saw a tall white girl with silver and sharp looking hair. She had little earrings depicting a crescent moon. She had ripped jeans and loose sneakers with a grey sweatshirt.

She was talking with her aunt DC.

After witnessing a bit of their conversation, aunt DC noticed Coiny just staring and put on a grin, and motioned him to come over to talk.

Coiny smiled nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck as he walked over. Once in distance, Coiny held out his hand to this girl he assumed was Needle. "Hey. Nice to meet you. Needle, right?"

After shaking his hand she nodded. "Yup. And nice to meet you too."

"So, Needle, this is my adopted son, Coiny!" Aunt DC beamed.

Needle nodded and seemed like she wanted to ask something, but kept her mouth shut.

Needle noticed a caricature on the wall. She stood up from her seat and walked over to it.

"Do you draw?" She asked, turning to Coiny.

Coiny scoffed. "Pfft. No. I suck at drawing, although I find it really enjoyable to do once in a while."

"You want me to teach you how to draw? I'm quite the arrest myself."

Coiny smiled. "Sure! What kind of things do you draw?"

While they talked, aunt DC left the room and entered her bedroom. She let herself onto the bed and sighed, in satisfaction.

Not only is it a new life for Penny, it's a new life for her, too.


"You start by drawing the face like.."

Penny started to daydream, thinking about the past few hours and how wonderful it had been. It was the first time in her whole life she had a friend so kind and humble. TP was kind of a wild type. She didn't compare to Needle at all. Needle bough them both some ice cream, went on a bit of shopping, and just toured outside around some cities. It was magical. It felt like being alive again.

She sighed.


Coiny flinched. "Huh?"

Needle laughed. "Ahah, did you already start daydreaming?"

Coiny laughed back. "I told you, I daydream a lot." he said with a shrug.

"Ah, screw the lessons." Coiny said after a bit of practice. "I wanna see what you've made." He cheered.

Needle smiled nervously. "M-My stuff? Well.. they aren't that good.. heheh.."

"Are you sure? You seem great at it! Cmon, lemme see!"

Needle seemed to blush. "Ok, ok." She pulled out a little notebook from her backpack that was lying next to her. She handed it to him. "Here."

The first image was a girl with lime green dyed hair and a dark green colored tee. The girl was smiling and was blushing, holding up a peace.

Coiny smiled. What a well drawn picture. The background was a nice purple fading into pink.

After a bit more looking around, he shut the book. He saw a lot of that green girl, but also saw a cyan themed girl, a red themed girl, and a orange themed guy. With a few more scattered around here and there.

He grinned wide, feeling a weird kind of anxious feeling. "Needle! This stuff.. it's.. amazing!"

Needle looked away, embarrassed. "Yo-You really think so?"

"Of course! It's incredible! I've never seen anything like it!"

"S-Stop. Cmon, Coiny, you're making me blush." She was blushing. She was also smiling big. Very big.

"But I'm serious!"

Needle just kept grinning. "Youre so sweet."

Coiny grinned back. "Also, i really like this green girl you draw. Who are they?"

Needle put on a worried face and her blush deepened to a crimson red. "N-Nobody! Just a character fr-from a show I like! Y-Yeah!" She chuckled nervously.

Coiny thought it was suspicious, but shrugged it off. "Ok, cool."

Needle seemed to calm down. "What else do you want to do?"

Coiny thought this over. He didn't know what he wanted to do. "I'm.. not sure."

"How about I introduce you to a few of my friends?" Needle smiled.

Coiny smiled back. "Yeah! That's a great idea!"

"Ok. I'll be back, Coiny. Stay here!" She called back as she left the room.

Penny sighed. Alone again. But at least she'll have a big chance to make even more friends.

She wondered about who Needles friends could be.

Tons of different people popped up in his head. Ranging from the sweetest people to the nastiest, jerkiest people.

She smiled giddily. She was finally gonna be truly happy with herself. Close to no worries at all!

"They're coming." Needle came back, with a smile.

"How long?"

"15 minutes."


Hey! Wow, I'm just.. honestly shocked right now. Like.. this book got so much love already like man, it's unbelievable.. thank you all! Aaaa- it's honestly amazing. Anyway, I hope y'all like this chapter. Still in the 'introduction' phase. I guess.. Good night everyone!

Also, happy New years! (For those who mightve already had that?)

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