In Ruins

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Coiny drove towards the gas station. It was dark out. There didn't seem to be anyone else driving around at this time of night. An occasional car would come past, but nothing much else. He was so focused on not crashing, he didn't get to enjoy the scenery.

He also went just below the speed limit. It was almost midnight and he had to grab some gas and snacks. He drove throughout the night lights and curved around.

He passed his school. Then past the bar-

Coiny's eyes widened and he stopped his car abruptly. His body leant up against the wheel, and he felt as if his rib cage cracked. He grunted and withered in pain. He held his chest as he looked up again, towards The Jelly.

There were police cars and ambulances there.

Ignoring the pain in his chest, he backed up and got closer to the place. Lights flashed and people seemed to be slightly panicked. But only slightly. I guess with so many incidents happening there, they get used to it.

Coiny wondered how that bar was still running and hadn't gone bankrupt or something.

In the crowd of people he could see some people being brought into police cars. They were being arrested.

He recognized some of the faces from the few times he went to spray paint with Pen. He scanned the crowd to make sure Snowball, Eraser, Pen and Blocky were alright.

He spotted Blocky and Eraser, but not Snowball and Pen. Blocky was talking with a cop and Eraser was just watching everything from a wall he was leaning against.

Coiny was starting to get nervous. He watched patiently as things went down. Some nurses ran out of ambulances and returned with two people. Coiny couldn't tell who they were. And one more person was being helped. They seemed to be resistant and weak, so the nurses and officers didn't have much trouble restraining them and bringing them into an ambulance.

Coiny felt the warmth from his air conditioning start to cool. He looked back towards his front. The lights were off and the motor stopped running. Coiny's eyes widened as he twisted his keys. The car wouldn't turn on.

He stared at the wheel before groaning and letting his forehead fall on the horn.


His tired eyes looked up along with his head. He could see a few pairs of eyes watching his car.

Blocky always had a gas can inside his car, so Coiny, groaning, hopped out of his car and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked over to the bar.

His eyes sagged as his tiredness caught up to him. His body felt like shutting down. He squinted his eyes as he walked closer, the lights blinding him a bit. As he got closer he could see the yellow caution tape clearly. Light glared into his eyes.

He grunted and watched, hoping the situation would end soon. He seemed to be the lone spectator along with one other person. Eraser was sitting on the floor. His head was in his legs. He shook violently.

Blocky was leaning against a wall. His arms were crossed but his face looked to the side and he had an upset frown on his face.

The sight made Coiny feel worried. He started moving to his left to see if he could get a better view of things. Tons of officers prevented him from seeing anything, though.

Coiny was stuck. He didn't know what to do. She never liked not knowing what to do. And it carried over. Coiny took a deep breath and tapped on the shoulder of the closest cop.

"What's going on?" He quietly asked.

The officer tilted his head a little bit in Coiny's direction. "Get outta here, kid." The man said, without answering his question.

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