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Coiny took one last deep breath before stepping out of the car.

He put in the code for the garage door and watched as it slowly opened up to reveal Aunt DC's car, still and cold.

He touched the surface of it. He took another deep breath. "Ok." He mumbled. "You got this."

He walked ever so slowly over to the door, and entered. Immediately, Aunt DC was all over him.

She asked tons of questions, and Coiny frantically tried to answer all her questions.

Finally, she asked, "Were you at that bar last night?"

Coiny looked down. He wished he was invisible. He sighed. "Yes. I was."

DC's brows furrowed in anger and sadness. "Why do you hang out with those crooks? Someday, you're gonna get hurt."

Coiny was a little upset by this comment. "No, ma! They're good people! You just.. don't know them!"

"Yes I do! They are terrible, awful human beings! They shouldn't have any right to be hanging out with someone as gorgeous as you, Penny." Her voice softened by the end.

Coiny growled. "No they are NOT!" He shouted. "The only reason you don't like them is cause you haven't hung out with them! You haven't done anything with them! If you have been with them, you would KNOW that they ARENT GODDAMNT THIEVES AND CROOKS!"

Aunt DC stayed silent... Then started crying.

Coiny instantly felt guilty run over his body. He knelt down and rubbed Aunt DC's back. "I'm sorry.." Coiny whispered, starting to cry as well.

Aunt DC sniffled. "Please.." she coughed, standing up. "Don't go back there. I don't want to have to go to two funerals."


She played her cards perfectly.

Penny couldn't take it anymore. She hugged her auntie, and cried. Cried for minutes. They seemed countless.

Aunt DC did her best to comfort Penny.

She cried and cried, until she couldn't cry anymore.


It was now the next day. It was noon. The sun shined through Coiny's window. It illuminated the room with a pleasant glow, and it allowed Coiny to see tons of white dots floating around in the air.

Coiny felt relaxed. He had set things right. She told Aunt DC he wasn't gonna go back to the bar, even if her really wanted to. He also texted back his friends, telling them he was ok.

Needle seemed the most relieved, and it brought confidence to Coiny. She was so kind to him.. and so sweet..

Coiny got a text back from Leafy.

Leafy: Great 2 hear ur ok! Needle was so worried about u

This brought more joy to Coiny's face.

Confidence flooded him, leaving him satisfied, even through all this stuff that had been going on for the past day.

In fact...

Coiny quickly switched over to his phone app. He touched Needle's contact and called her.

Coiny knew exactly. Exactly what was going to happen tonight.


He was waiting on top of the hill. Was he rushing this too much?

His confidence now turned into worry, unsure of whether this would work out in his favor or not.

He had called Needle, and told her to meet him up on this hill at 5:30. It was now 5:23.

The reason he chose this hill was for a few reasons. It was one of the first spots Needle showed him when he got here to North Dakota. She said it was gorgeous. And it was.

Another reason was because it would be the most romantic spot. Cliche, but.. sometimes cliches work.

The final reason was just the peacefulness. No pressure.

Coiny could hear footsteps coming from the path that lead to the top. It was to his right. He smiled. Confidence came back.

Needle came through the gate. She had a purse slung around her, and she was wearing her casual grey t and jeans. She also had spiked earrings, which added a beautiful touch to her.

"Hey Coiny. What'd you need to talk to me about?" She sat to the left of him.

Coiny kinda laughed. He was so nervous, yet so excited. "Well.. just about my experience here compared to the past." He looked down at the city. Street lamps were starting to turn on. The sun was setting. The buildings that were illuminated stood out now. Cars bustled from street to street. It could be faintly heard from where Coiny and Needle were.

His smile turned into a smile of nervousness. But he kept calm. "Before I came here, I was a very miserable person. I wasn't treated correctly by my.. 'parents.'" He sighed, then smiled, a bright, radiant, and genuine smile. He scooted closer to Needle. He felt so connected to her. "But then I met you. And ever since I came here, my life turned around, and I've been living a dream." He paused. "With you." He looked at Needle.

Needle immediately looked away, flustered. Good. "Coiny.."

He shushes her quietly. "Hold on.." he whispers. "And ever since then, I've frown very.. heh... Attached.. to you. And I've wanted to hang out with you everyday. You bring out the best in me. You're so sweet and kind.. and.. oh.." he was blushing. He loved Needle. He couldn't deny it. His smile was uncontrollably wide. "I don't know what you think.. but.." he looks at Needle. He scoots closer and holds her hand. He lifts it up, in between them. Needle's eyes show disbelief. Her cheeks show flatteredness. "I love you, Needle." He kisses her hand. He didn't want to kiss her lips yet. He needed confirmation.

Needle starts laughing. And I mean really laughing. Her cheeks heat up like an oven. Her face is completely red and pink.

But soon... She stops. And all that's left is sadness and pity. She sighs. Tears form in her eyes.

"Coiny." She looks down at the city. "I'm.. I can't.. I.." She hesitates. "Well.. that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." Coiny feels really confident now. "But.." Needle starts. "I don't.. feel like that about you."

Coiny's heart shatters. "Wh-.. What?"

"I'm actually.. heh.." She holds the side of her head. "I'm actually lesbian." She says, unconfidently. She wipes a year from her eye. "I'm so sorry." She smiles a fake smile at him. "I hope you understand."

Coiny nodded. Tears were threatening to spill. "I think I should-" His voice broke and soon, he was bawling his eyes out.

Needle goes to rub Coiny's shoulder. "I'm-" but before she could, Coiny got up and ran away.

Off On The Wrong Foot ~ BFB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now