Set on a Path

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Snowball noticed something weird with Blocky. As he hung out with him, he noticed a recurring theme. He would constantly mutter Pin's name and everytime Pin was around, he'd glare and stare at her. He had no clue why, but it sure as hell was suspicious. Snowball hadn't brought up what happened at the bar last night as to not make things awkward, but he suspected that this obsession had something to do with it.

So when it was lunchtime, Snowball finally confronted him. He sat down in front of Blocky, who was mumbling something about Pin. "Dude, I've seen you staring and talking about Pin all day. What's the deal?"

"What do you mean, 'whats the deal?' She killed him, SB!" Blocky growled. "How dare she have the audacity to fucking show up at school after murdering him." His teeth gritted.

"..." Snowball stared at Blocky's obsessed eyes, which were starting all around the cafeteria, hoping to scope out Pin's location. "What?" Snowball asked, confused.

"You said it yourself. She killed him."

Snowball's eye twitched. "When the HELL did I say that?" Snowball asked, standing up.

Blocky glared at him. "Yesterday! Do you have short term memory, grandpa?"

Snowball clenched his fists. "I know what I goddamn said, and I know I didn't say any bullshit like that!"

"Oh yeah? Then who killed Eraser if it wasn't Pin?"

"Did you even LISTEN to what I GODDAMN SAID?" Snowball shouted. The two's argument was getting more attention. "I fucking said that Eraser killed two people, then himself! I never mentioned Pin at all!"

That part got some weird stares from others. Some were disturbed, worried, and in a few cases, amused.

Blocky felt a bit of his heart break. A tear formed in his eyes and slid down his face. "L-Like I'd believe that.. that.. BULLSHIT!" Blocky threw a sucker punch at Snowball, hitting him in the nose.

Snowball staggered back, almost tripping over a person, who was filming the confrontation. Snowball was fuming. He looked at the crowd. "Everyone put your DAMN phones down!"

"Hey, what's going on here!" A few staff members rushed to the scene.

Snowball sneezed. He took a deep breath and grabbed his tray. "Nothin'." He said calmly, walking to another table, by himself.


Luckily Snowball had no more classes with Blocky after. So there was no conflict since.

"What do you plan on doing after school?" Coiny asked from beside him. His voice was pretty soft and demoralized. All the passion from his usual tone was gone, thanks to the news from the day before.

"Nothin." Snowball replied simply.

"Oh." Coiny said, putting his head down on his desk.

The hell ring, signifying the end of the school day. Snowball left his class immediately and sped towards Blocky's final class, English. Snowball used the crowd to disguise himself. He watched as Blocky started walking down the hallways and corridors, before he stopped at one of the corners of the school.

Snowball peeked out from a corner, watching him. He stood idly, looking at his phone, then back up repeatedly, waiting for something. He leaned against the wall. On his back, he carried a cello case, which was weird, considering Blocky never played a musical instrument.

Then Pin came from and met up with Blocky, which raised an alarm for Snowball. He squinted, watching carefully. Blocky looked around, for people and cameras, it seemed. He then grabbed Pin, using his hand to cover her mouth. She struggled in his arms.

Snowballs eyes widened, and he came out from his hiding spot, running towards the two. Blocky had an expression that reeked of "oh shit." Pin had a desperation look. Blocky let go of Pin, and staggered up. Snowball kept running, ready to throw a punch, even with his backpack on.

He came in fast, his heart beating quick, adrenaline coursing through him, because of the betrayal he felt from his former friend.

"BLOCKYYYYY!" He cried, as he readied his fist. Blocky's eyes widened, as he grabbed the only thing he could to protect himself. The cello case. Just before Snowball delivered the punch, he held it up, and the punch drove straight through the first layer. The pieces fell inside the case with a clunk. Snowball removed his hand. It hurt, yes, but it felt really badass to him.

Blocky grunted, before running out of the emergency exit behind him, running away.

Pin stared at Snowball, surprised, still catching her breath from Blocky's suffocation. Snowball looked down at her, his glare still remaining. "I'm sorry." Is all he said before walking away, and leaving the school.


It was now Friday. The school was having an assembly to pay respects to everyone that had died recently, because students started finding out about the three deaths and demanded they paid homage to the students. So they did.

And Snowball had prepared a small speech for the school, because he was tired of all the shit that has happened recently. It was a hassle to be allowed to make a speech to the school, but with enough effort, he was able to convince them to let him try.

"Hello students of.." Snowball kind of ignored the whole speech, cause it was all fake anyway. The school was kind of harassed to do it, so no real meaning came out of their words, so he ignored it.

"Before we dismiss all of you, a student, would like to give a speech. Please welcome Snowball Flake to the stage." The man behind the podium stepped away, and Snowball made his way up.

Snowball adjusted the microphone. All eyes in the auditorium were on him, curious as to what he had to say. He cleared his throat. "Okay, listen up! I went through a whole lot of shit to get to stand up here today, so you better listen!" He shouted. The staff gave him disapproving looks. Some of the students in the crowd snickered. Snowball continued. "If I see any one of you make one more duuuumbass decision to do something illegal, I'll snap yo neck!" Snowball said with a smirk. Snowball walked off the stage. Students in the crowd started laughing. If course, not all of them, but a good 1/3 chunk did. Some of the teachers gave him pissed looks, and his homeroom teacher gave him a long lecture outside of the auditorium.

Sure, what he said wasn't what he told the staff he was gonna say, and he might be punished with detention or extra homework, but it was worth it.

And from that day on, Snowball knew what he wanted to strive to be. A cop.


Wow! Exactly 1111 words! So cool, I know. But anyway, hope y'all enjoyed that. I had a really different plan for how the Blocky situation would go, but I decided to change it up, so yeah. Hopefully this still satisfies :)

Night y'all! See ya next chapter.

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