Fun At The Mall

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Coiny yawned. It was Friday. School was over for the day, and he was kind of bushed. In Phy Ed he has to run three miles with the rest of his classmates. It was exhausting, especially since it was so hot out today.

He felt his phone ring in his pocket. He shifted and took it out of his pocket. It was a text from Needle.

Needle: Hey can u help me pick out some clothes at the mall?

Coiny: I guess but y ask me and not someone else

Needle: everyone else is busy hahah

Coiny: Alright fine ill help u. But why do u need help

Needle: Ill tell u when we meet

Coiny: Alright. When and where should I be

Needle: Kirkwood in an hour?

Coiny: Sure. See you then

Coiny turned off his phone and sat up. He stretched, groaning. He got up and walked out of his room. Auntie waved at her. Coiny gave a friendly smile and wave back.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. He grabbed a small backpack and his wallet. He put the bottle in one of the bottle holders and he put his wallet in his pocket.

He sat down on a couch.

What else should he bring..?


Needle waited anxiously. She was really excited and also really nervous. She needed to look good tomorrow! She wanted pretty, but casual looking clothing for tomorrow. Something that would impress her.

Needle waited in her silver jacket for Coiny. Autumn was starting to fall into the winter, and it was getting colder outside everyday. She never liked the cold, but it could be fun sometimes.

She looked around her spot on a bench. There was constant moving and shuffling all around her, she couldn't see Coiny anywhere within the crowd.

A girl with a blue sweatshirt, neat, light blue jeans, a brown backpack and a blue colored bun walked up to her. (To clarify on the bun part, only the bun is dyed blue, the rest of her hair is a natural brown) "May I sit here?" She asked politely.

Needle nodded and the girl sat down next to her. She took her backpack off and opened it up, starting to shuffle through it. She took out a little baggie with a few granola bars. The girl looked at Needle. Needle noticed through her peripherals and made eye contact with her.

The girl took out one of her bars and held it up to Needle. "Want one?" She seemed flustered and shy asking that question. It was pretty cute, Needle had to admit.

Needle giggled and smiled. "Yes, thank you." She took it, and opened it right away. She was getting hungry. With a smile she chomped on the bar, eating a good chunk of it away. It was blueberry flavored. It was really good.

She looked down at the girl again, who was also eating a bar. She had a water bottle in her other hand. "Thank you." Needle blurted.

The girl looked back at her again. "You're welcome!" She smiled. She set down her water bottle and held out a hand. "I'm Teardrop, by the way. Who are you?"

Needle shook her hand and swallowed the chunk of bar in her mouth. "Needle. I've never seen you around before! Where do you come from?"

Teardrop cleared her throat. "I actually come from the less popular school, the new one that came up a year ago, Teapot high school." She points in the general direction of the school.

Needle remembered hearing about it a few times. She nodded. "Yeah, I remember hearing about it before!" Needle looked at the crowd then back at her. "What year?"

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