Reasons To Do So

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Coiny watched drowsily as the bus started to come to a complete stop. Here he was. His stop. He sighed, not wanting to get up. He let a few other students get off before him, before finally forcing himself up and getting out of the bus. The cold winter air blasted his face immediately. He liked it, though. It woke him up a little. All the other students, as well as the bus, left him behind. He took a moment to stretch. "Oooookay." He spoke while stretching. He started walking towards his house.

Coiny, as he was walking to his house, saw Fries waiting at the bench, right where he said he'd be. He was wearing his usual crimson coat, as well as wearing black jeans. He also had the ear warmers Coiny gave to him that night. "Oh. Shit." Coiny muttered. He forgot he even gave him those. Coiny's backpack felt heavy. He quickly staggered over to the bench, where Fries watched his arrival.

Coiny groaned as he lugged his backpack onto the memorial bench. "Hey." Fries welcomed.

"Agh, hey Fries. What did you need?" Coiny stood up straight now, looking into Fries' eyes.

Fries sighed. "Follow me. This should be as private as possible." Fries stuffed his hands in his pockets and started to walk away. Coiny looked back at his backpack, thinking about whether to leave it or not. He rolled his eyes and decided to follow Fries.


Fries looked at all sides, making sure nobody else was around to listen to their conversation. Once he was satisfied, he stopped. They were on top of a hill. Luckily the snow wasn't too high, otherwise Coiny's feet would freeze. "Okay," Fries started. "A few days ago. When you saw me at night."

"What about it?" Coiny asked lazily. He yawned.

"Why? Why did you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Tch." Fries' brows furrowed in annoyance. "Don't tell me your memory is that flat. How you told me about your past! You being transgender, running away from your parents, all that shit. Why me? I hardly even know you. I've known you for what, only like a month or two, right?" Fries looked up at the sky and groaned. He lost track of time.

"Hm.." Coiny put a hand up to his chin lazily and started to think. "I dunno, Fries. I guess I just trusted you."

Fries' stern expression stayed strong. "Trusted me? You barely know me! Why don't you tell it to someone else. Like.." Fries flailed his arms around as he thought. "Like Pin!"

"Y'know?" Coiny looked up to the sky. "I don't know. I just.. haven't." Coiny didn't know what else to say.

"Jesus Christ." Fries pinched the top of his nose and looked away. "Coiny, you make me feel like I owe you something. It's been a pain, you know that?" Coiny pointed a finger at him, looking down at him again.

"Oh. Did telling you give you some sort of burden? Sorry." Coiny tried his best to seem apologetic. Being tired made him want to just fall asleep.

"N-" Fries felt a small bit of guilt. He didn't want to make Coiny feel sorry. "No, it's just.. been on my mind. I don't really know what to do with this knowledge. It also just doesn't make sense why you'd tell me." Fries sighed, softening his expression a little.

"Gee, sorry, Fries." Coiny rubbed the back of his head a little. "I'll do something to make it up to you." He put a hand on Fries' shoulder.

Fries looked at Coiny's hand and gave it a weird look. He shrugged his hand off. "Yeah? Like what?"

Coiny shrugged. "I dunno. But I'll figure something out later. I'll let you know when. But I'm gonna go right now. I'm tired, okay?" Coiny started to back away. "See you around, Fries. Sorry about this." He turned his body away.

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