Nothing Happened

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Penny shot up. Her breathing was very fast. She looked around her room. It looked normal. She got up, and with all her energy, she ran into Aunt DC's room.

There she was, lying on her bed, asleep.

Penny's eyes watered. She was alive. She wasn't dead.

She started crying, relieved. So relieved. She cried maybe a bit too loud.

"C-... C-Coiny, dear?" Aunt DC spoke softly.

Penny sniffled. "Y-Yeah?" She tried holding back her tears.

"Why are you crying?" She asked, sitting up in her bed.

"I..." Penny couldn't bring herself to say anything. So instead, she walked over to the bed, and hugged Aunt DC tightly.

"Woah, woah. Ok, dear." She rubbed Penny's head so gently and softly. Each one was filled with worry and comfort.

DC looked down at Coiny. He seemed destroyed at the moment. DC had to admit, she wasn't very good at comforting people. She was pretty introverted, which is why Penny and her bonded so much. They understood each other.

"Okay, Coiny. Get ready for school. You have a lot of time, so take advantage of it, ok?" She said.

Coiny nodded. He sniffled, backing away. "Alright, ma."

DC smiled at the word 'ma'. She shooed him away so he could get ready. She lay back down in her bed. She was too tired to be awake right now.

The last thing she heard before she fell asleep was the soft sound of the shower starting in the opposite side of the house.


The soft sounds of the motor engine running was all that Coiny really heard. The talking between other people was all really just background noise.

He stared out the window, straight faced and tired. He rested his head on the window and yawned.

He was trying to think about anything but the dream he had last night. But no matter what, he would somehow end up thinking about it, and it made him go insane on the inside.

He suddenly felt weight on the seat he was on. "Huh?" He muttered to himself and turned his head to his left.

Pin sat next to him, with a tiny smile. "Hey." She said, setting her backpack down under the seat.

"Hey." He responds back, not sure what to say.

"So.. yesterday, when Firey tried to.. apologize to you. He didn't really do a great job at it." Coiny could hear Firey pout from the seat behind him. "And, I just wanted to say, sorry. Again." She averted her eyes away. "He has.. jealousy problems. And he gets a bit too crazy over it. He also has some anger issues, so if he lashes out at you, just know it isn't cause he hated you or anything."

Coiny smiled. "Well, that's good to know, thanks."

"Yeah." She started to stand up.

"Hey! No standing up while the buses are moving!" The bus driver shouted at her.

"Ugh." She sat back down.

Coiny chuckled.

Pin rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Pin.. Could you tell Firey, that I forgive him?"

Pins mouth started curving into a smile, a grateful one. "Yes, of course." She says, nodding. "Why don't we hang later? I could give you Fieray's number too, so he doesn't feel left out or jealous."

Coiny grins. "Sure."

And so they did. Coiny got Pin and Firey's number. Pin got Coiny's number.

The bus came to a stop in front of the school.

"Hey Pin." Coiny says, before she stands up.


"About that nickname. 'Fieray.' Is it a nickname he's called by other people, or just you?"

Pin giggles. "Just me. I started calling him that back in middle school. That's when feelings for each other really-"

Coiny puts a finger up to her mouth. He chuckles. "Hey, I don't need your life story. I just wanted to know if I was allowed to address him like that. You can give me the details later." He said.

Pin laughed. "Oh, sorry! Sometimes I just ramble without realizing it!" She puts a hand up to her forehead.

Coiny nods. "Cmon, let's go." He says, pushing her out of the seat.

They get off the bus and Pin joins Firey, and talks to him about.. something.

Coiny says hi to Needle and chats with her a bit before going to his first hour.


Did you really think I would kill her off that early? PFFFFFT! PATHETIC.

In all seriousness though, thank you guys for the support on this book so far. It's only been out for.. a month? And it has over 1k views? Like, tysm y'all!

Anyway! I'm gonna go now! Thank you all again and good night!

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