Catching Up

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It had been a day later. It was Christmas day now. Coiny waited patiently, making sure to keep his nose faced upwards, where he felt the least amount of pain. It was early morning, snow was falling fast and covering the windows with snow, which the window wipers took care of every few seconds.

They were in Washington now, only a few sixty miles away from Penny's house. Coiny started to mentally prepare himself to face her mother. DC had notified Penny's mother of his broken nose, to where she started overreacting and asking a lot of questions. Coiny assured he was fine and the trip went on.

As he waited, he decided to text Firey, as it had been a few weeks since he last talked.

Coiny: Yo, what's up

A few minutes later, Firey replied.

Firey: Oh hey i just woke up

Coiny snickered. It was noon, so imagining Firey sleep that late on Christmas day felt funny to him.

Firey: what do u want

Coiny: just bored. Plus it's been a while since we last talked

Firey: oh okay yeah I'm bored too

Coiny: how's christmas going

Firey: family is setting up a meal right now.

Coiny: well what do you want to do in the meantime

Firey: jerk u off

Coiny visibly shook and took a shallow breath. Aunt DC glanced at him to make sure he was okay. He put a hand up to signify he was alright. The text circled in his mind again. He regained composure and looked back down at his phone.

Coiny: what??

Firey: lmfao I'm kidding

Coiny: dude wtf you really made me think

Firey: it was a joke cause we're gonna talk what else would we be doing

Coiny rolled his eyes.

Coiny: riiight, well what's on your mind

Firey: pin is. Miss talking with her

Coiny: but do you still talk with her a little

Firey: yeah but it aint the same man

"Hm." Coiny hummed aloud.

Coiny: i can only imagine. Sorry it's tough for you

Firey: it's whatever. I'll get over it

Coiny started typing another message but was interrupted. "Coiny." Aunt DC nudged him. Coiny looked up and noticed they were starting to drive down the street Penny's house was.

Coiny: oh shit sorry dude I have to go. See ya later fireay

He put his phone in his pocket, ignoring the buzz of Firey replying. Aunt DC's car rolled into Penny's house. A bunch of cars were already there, so they parked outside of the driveway, and on the street. Coiny got out of the car, followed by DC. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, and noticed his breath evaporate into the air. Snow slowly made it's way to the ground, covering his hair a little bit with snow, although it melted quickly.

DC and Coiny walked into the path towards the front door, where they rang the doorbell. Coiny looked slightly downward and kicked some snow as the door opened.

Penny's mom was on the other end and smiled. Coiny couldn't tell if it was fake or not. "Dollar Coin! Helloooo!" She hugged DC, as she hugged back too. Penny's mom's face snapped to look at Coiny. "And.. Coiny," Coiny could hear the slightly aggravation in her tone. "I've heard a lot about you, come in!" She slipped out of the way to let the two in. A lot of people were already there. (Bare with me on some of these names, they're just nicknames for the family members) He could see Midfield, Big Papi, TenD and Euro. "You two can get settled in." Then Penny's mom glared at Coiny. "I'm gonna talk with you once everyone's gone." She said quietly enough for only the three of them to hear.

Coiny nodded weakly. As he took his snowy shoes off, he noticed old pictures of Penny and her family. Photos she swore weren't there when she left. It was almost as if it were trying to make her guilty, to make her go back. Coiny sighed and tried to ignore it.

He stepped into the living room, where a bunch of people were talking. Kids were playing with some toys and food was being set in place. Coiny softly rubbed his bandage and felt a tickle. He flinched and decided to step into the lounge room, where there wasn't any commotion risking further injury.

The lounge room had two couches, a table, a tv with a large window setup behind it, making for a nice background and lots of games and movies to choose from. He just laid on one of the couches, keeping his nose faced up. He took a deep breath and started to browse videos through his phone.

A few minutes pass. He keeps watching videos. He even laughed a little at a few.

"-wear to god, if they do that again I'm going to SCREAM." Somebody walked into the room.

Coiny recognized that voice. His head stood up straight and he shouted, "Toilet Paper?"

The person who had walked into the room looked at him. Both of them made eye contact. Coiny stared at her, frozen in joy and shock. Toilet Paper stared at Coiny, studying him.

"..Penny?" She asked.

Coiny let out a meek "Mhm."

Toilet Paper gasped and walked over. "Oh my gosh! Penny, I've missed you SO much, you have no idea." She hugged his laying body. Coiny grunted as he forced himself to sit straight up, leaving her room to sit down next to him. "Penny what are you doing here?" She asked.

Coiny cleared his throat. "Coiny."

"Oh. Right! Coiny, what are you doing here?"

Coiny snickered. "I could ask you the same thing. Don't you have a family to be celebrating with?"

Toilet Paper rolled her eyes. "Puh-lease, Coiny. Celebrating with them is like hell, so I asked to celebrate here this year."

Coiny laughed. "Seems you haven't changed."

Toilet Paper playfully shoved him, luckily not hurting his nose. "Shut uup, Coiny. I have changed a lot, actually."

Coiny smirked. "Yeah, like how?"

"I've gotten a year older." She put her hands on her hips.

Coiny bust out laughing. "My gosh, TP, you're too funny."

Toilet Paper squinted her eyes. "Yes, I know, but you've seemed to change too. What's with the big bandage?"

Coiny stopped laughing. "Just a broken nose."

"Just a broken nose? Mm, girl, I'll beat up whoever did that to you."

Coiny laughed. "No, no, it's alright, sis."

TP scoffed. "No it isn't, hun. Someone got a problem with you, they have a problem with me. Who the hell did this to you?" She half joked.

"Just a random person." He lied. He didn't feel like explaining anything to her right now.

"Giiirl you better find them, I'll whoop their ass." She smiled.

Coiny laughed. "I'm glad youre here, TP."

Toilet Paper smiled. "I'm happy I got to see you again, too." She hugged him. "Here, I'll get us some soda. Anything you want?"

Coiny thought for a moment. "I'll take a Sprite."


Well, this chapter was a little shorter than I wanted, but I'm lazy so fuck it, here you go. Remember Toilet Paper? I ain't forget. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this, I'll try and make the next chapter longer. We'll see. See y'all next time. Goodnight!

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