Setting The Table

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Blocky took another shot, slaming down the glass hard after finishing. He breathed heavily. That was about his 10th shot in a row. The shots kept him busy as he waited for Snowball to get to the bar. He wanted to tell Blocky something. But he was late. Twenty minutes late.

He downed another shot. The bartender took the glass from the table when he set it down.

The entrance to the bar opened. It was Snowball, who had on a light white tee and grey sweatpants. He also had a small backpack with him. He had his hands in his pockets. He looked at Blocky and walked over to him. He sat down in the chair next to him.

"What.." Blocky downed another shot. "Took you so long?"

Snowballs brows furrowed as he looked up at the large tv. "Sorry. The workout session with loser went longer than I hoped." Snowball sighed, closing his eyes. He shifted his body to look at Blocky, who paid no attention to him. Snowball set down his backpack in his lap and shuffled through a pocket. He looked at what was contained inside. He gave it a long stare. His mouth quivered. He took it out.

Blocky still hadn't faced him. Snowball's brows furrowed into a frustrated frown. He shoved what he was holding into Blocky's side. That caught his attention. He turned to Snowball and grabbed what he had shoved towards Blocky. Snowball looked away. It was Eraser's pink hoodie. "..." Blocky stared at it. It was dirty and wrinkly. A few drops of red stained the hoodie. He looked back up at Snowball. "..what?"

Snowball seemed to have a flustered expression on his face as he turned back to Blocky. He was mildly annoyed and embarrassed. "I got it from Eraser's mom."

"..." Blocky stared intently at Snowball, confused. "Why?"


Snowball, after hearing the news of Eraser and Needle, wanted to give his condolences to the parents of the two. He started with Eraser's house, due to them being friends before. He parked his car in the driveway of the house, stepping out. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and knocked on the door.

Mere moments later, Eraser's mom opened the door. She had a strict expression, glaring down at Snowball. Now, Snowball wasn't afraid of anything, but her specific glares and the way she stared down at him with hatred and anger filled him with a bit of intimidation. A few beads of sweat formed on his face. He gulped. Eraser's mom started. "What is it?"

Snowball grunted quietly. "I.. wanted to give my condolences to you for what happened." He stared in the eyes of her, with absolute sincerity.

Her expression didn't change. She didn't say anything. Instead, she backed into the house and came back a few moments later. In her hand, she held Eraser's dirty hoodie. She shoved it into Snowballs hands. "Give that to that blockhead Eraser always hung out with. I'm sure he would like it." Then she shut the door on Snowball. Snowball blinked.

"What?" He muttered.


"She said you'd like it." Snowball glanced at the tv again.

"But.. why would she.. when it's Eraser's..?" Blocky slowly asked.

Snowball felt a ton of sweat form on his face. His mouth quivered hard and his usually intense gaze faltered. "He's dead, Blocky."

Blocky blinked. The grip on the hoodie in his hands tightened. "Who killed him." The statement seemed like more of an order than a question.

Blocky's mind spun with thoughts on who could've killed Eraser. He didn't care who the hell it was. He was gonna kill anyone who killed Eraser. His eyes were fixed on the hoodie in his lap. He stared at it with nothing but rage. What monster could've killed Eraser?

Was it a gang? Serial killer? Someone at school?

Whoever it was, he was gonna kill them.

"..or Pin. Her parents will-"

Blocky's head snapped up, and he slammed the table in front of him, which caused heads to turn and stare at the two.

Snowball looked at Blocky. "What the hell!" He shouted.

Blocky glared at Snowball with fury. Pin.. Pin's parents..

Without a word, he stormed out of the bar, throwing the pink hoodie on the ground.

What a scene. Multiple people stared at Snowball, who picked up the Hoodie that was thrown on the ground. Snowball stared at the doors of the bar.

What.. just happened..?


Blocky used enough of his focus to drive home safely. He didn't say a word to his parents as he stomped to his room.

He was furious at Pin and her parents. How COULD they kill Eraser? And why would they fucking do that?

Blocky sat still on his bed, staring out a window. The moon was starting to be more and more clear in the sky as the sun was setting slowly.

He devised a plan for tomorrow. Since it was a Tuesday, he'd have to work around that. Luckily, his parents were gonna be out on a date tomorrow night, giving him a good chance to sneak something in. Or rather.. someone..

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