One of Those Days

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It had been a very uneventful three days. Nothing crazy happened, and Coiny didn't do much with his friends in the past three days, dude to being tied up with school work. But the week was finally over, and instead of working on homework, he wanted to crash onto his bed. He saw Leafy on the bus, who waved at him. He smiled and waved back. She motioned him to sit with him, to where he shook his head. He wanted to just crash against something, and be wasn't gonna be leaning on Leafy's shoulders. That'd be too awkward for him. He sat in a lone seat and leant against the window. The snow was a little blinding against his eyes, especially with the sun reflecting off of it.

"Mmh." He shut his eyes, already feeling weary. He usually was never this tired at the end of the school day, but the past three days must've really drained him out.

His phone buzzed.

He lazily opened his eyes and grabbed his phone, pulling it up to see who texted him. It was, surprisingly, from Fries. Coiny didn't bother to unlock his phone and just read the message from the lock screen.

"Hey, Coiny. I assume school has ended for y..." The message cut off there. Great.

Coiny groaned lightly. Looks like he had to unlock his phone after all. He looked at the message in full.

"Hey, Coiny. I assume school has ended for you, right?"

Well, there wasn't much added on to the end of the message.

He sighed, typing back.

"yeah school ended. why" He couldn't be bothered to properly write the message.

"I want to meet with you in private."


"Could we just meet at that bench again? Then I'll lead you to somewhere more private."

Coiny blinked, trying to process what he meant.

"what" he texted back, 10 seconds later. He yawned.

"The bench where you saw me at night. That one?"

"oh ok"

"Alright, great. I'll be waiting for you there."

Coiny sighed, putting his phone away. He shut his eyes as he wondered what Fries wanted to talk about. He wasn't one to usually initiate something like this. He felt the bus start to finally move. It was kind of peaceful like this. His bus wasn't loud or chaotic, everyone minded their own business. The bus driver hardly ever had to yell at any of the students on the bus.

He felt rays of sun repeatedly hit his face, then disappear from tree branches blocking it. It annoyed him a little, though, this inconsistency on his face. His face scrunched in uncomfort. He opened his eyes and turned his body so his legs were towards the aisle. The back of his head was now resting against the window. Much better.

But the comfort didn't last long, as Leafy jumped into the seat with him, forcing him to sit up straight again. Annoying. "Hey, Coiny. Sorry if I'm bothering you."

Coiny looked at her for a few seconds. He lightly sighed. "It's alright." At least having someone to talk to would keep him awake.

"You seem really tired today. Are you alright?"

Coiny nodded a few times. "Yeah, yeah. It's nothing. I'll just take a nap when I get home."

"What's been tiring you?"

Coiny sighed. "Ahhh, well," he paused, putting his backpack on the floor. "Just school, y'know? Homework and exams and essays and all."

Leafy nodded in understanding. "Do you-"

Leafy was cut off by a bump in the road, shaking the bus a little. It shook Leafy's core a little, giving her a slightly panicked expression. Coiny eyed her. "You good, man?"

Leafy looked at him, and smiled, trying to reassure him. "Of course, of course! Just wasn't expecting that, hahah."

Coiny nodded. The bus stopped. It wasn't Coiny's stop, though. It was Leafy's. Leafy stood up. "Sorry about the homework thing, Coiny. If you need help, I'm here."

"Noted, thank you, Leafy." He waved to her as she waved back, leaving the bus. Now he just needed to wait for his bus. He yawned once more as the bus started to move again.


Short chapter today because holyyyy fuuuuuuck I need to update lmao. Just consider it setting the stage and call it a day. Sorry about the lack of updates, man. Hopefully now that school is starting again in a few days, my creativity and motivation will kick in more and allow me to update more often. Since this chapter is setting the stage fro the next one, the next one shouldn't take nearly as long. See y'all later and goodnight bros. Thanks for tuning in to this dead ass book lmaooo

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