Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Alec pushed away first and the doubt, the regret, the fears that were in the back of my head came digging out and my eyes started to water and I tried to blink them away. Stay strong in front of him. Don't let him see how much you cared.

He didn't kiss back, he was still shocked. I can't believe my own stupidity got in the way!

"Kallie," Alec began and I tried to listen to him but the doorbell rang and I was off to the door not wanting to start or finish this conversation. This was humiliating, I shouldn't have. I realized why I make others happy now. To ignore these situations.

I opened the door and Will smiled at me and then it dawned on me, I CHEATED! I cheated on my own boyfriend! Oh no, no no no. He deserves so much better. I'm horrible, a disgrace. I can't do this, I shouldn't do this right now.

Will picked me up and spun me around but my tears were falling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. I couldn't breathe, it hurt. Everything hurt.

He set me down and wiped away my tears like his arrival back made everything better. Like I actually missed him. But I was afraid of him. I didn't know who he was anymore, I didn't know who I was anymore.

He kissed my lips and it brought back the seconds before and he parted away only slightly, "babe I'm right here," he laughed slightly like he found it cute that I was crying. But it was not for him, it was not for Alec. It was because I'm a despicable human being who should not deserve looking at another man again until I realize I'm in a relationship and that I'm supposed to be happy. I have to be happy!

"Kallie," Alec appeared behind me and I knew he saw him kiss me and it felt like cheating all over again but it wasn't because Alec didn't kiss back. Instead he wanted to lecture me about kissing him without his consent. We weren't anything, I had Will, just Will. I walked away from Alec, but why do I want to be back at making mistakes?

"Yes?" I couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. I needed to go to a psychologist so they could fix me into the girl I was months before. Before the proposal, no... before that. I wish I could erase even meeting Alec at that party. I wish I could erase that pain that sunk into my skin after finding out how much my father truly cared about us.

"Did you want me to finish cutting your green pepper?" he asked and it seemed silly for him to ask but I knew how much he wanted to talk but I couldn't be anymore humiliated today. It was bad enough. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare but I knew better.

"Could you?" I asked him and he looked back at Will before disappearing back into the kitchen.

"What was that about? Did he really need to ask for permission to cut a stupid green pepper? What a dumbass."

"Will stop," my own voice turned sharp and it caused Will to look down at me, almost like he couldn't recognize me. I couldn't recognize me.

"Are you defending him now?" he watched me carefully, I felt his eyes throw daggers at me, "what the hell happened to you Kallie to start defending him like that!" his voice raised at me and I shut my eyes.

"Shut your eyes Kallie and cover your ears baby," my mom tried to sooth as she placed me into my room and closed the doors, "mommy will be right back okay baby?"

"Okay mommy," I whimpered.

"Just remember eyes shut and ears covered. Then all the bad will be gone okay?" then the yells from downstairs came echoing from the kitchen and into the hallway and then the glass shattering and the yells turned into hurtful screams.

"Kallie! Kallie! Open your goddamn eyes!" my eyes shot open and I saw Will before seeing Alec walk down the hallway with a wet towel.

"What happened?" I looked at Will hoping he'd have an answer.

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