Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"I've applied for three jobs and not even one wants me," I landed on my bed in defeat.

"I don't understand why though, you work so hard," Hannah said mindlessly looking down at her phone, "Hey have you posted the pictures I took of you and Will?" she looked up at me then.

"I haven't gotten around to it," I sat up, "but what do you think I need to do to help get another job?"

"Why were you fired again?" Hannah was back on her phone.

"I just kept showing up late," I looked down at my hands.

"Promise you'll show up on time and keep that promise," she went to my small makeup setup and looked at her face in the mirror, "it's not that hard Kallie."

"Ok but Will doesn't understand being anywhere early, let alone on time when he wants to spend time together," I sighed then scrolling down on places that were hiring on my laptop.

"Didn't Will offer you a job?" Hannah asked.

"No," I pushed my hair back in frustration, "he told me I could work for his dad as a receptionist but he then realized I don't qualify for that."

"You'll be fine, you'll get back out there I know you will," Hannah smiled at me trying her best to be supportive but she doesn't do that well either.

There was a knock at the door before it partly opened and Alec's head popped in, "Is Hannah staying for dinner?" he wouldn't even look at her but at me instead.

I looked at Hannah begging with my eyes that she would but she looked at Alec instead, "No I can't Jackson wanted to," she paused and smiled, "well you know. That reminds me! I should get going." she got up and grabbed her stuff. "Bye babe, I'm sure you'll find a job. Text me!" and she slipped past Alec and left both of us in silence.

"You can always apply where I'm working," Alec said suddenly and my eyes darted in that direction.

"Alec no I can't, it's uncomfortable as it is. If Will found out I was working there he'd make me quit and our chemistry is still there don't try to deny it," I looked at him and he shrugged.

"I just offered because you've been outside countless times with me and watched me fix my car, my boss was looking anyway. Plus I didn't think you were the type to follow what your fucked up boyfriend tells you to do," Alec walked away and I sat there in silence.

I've been so obsessed with making Will happy that I forgot that I can make my own choices too. I need a job, it wouldn't hurt to try? Right?

I walked downstairs and Alec had the table set but I looked around me, "Where's Charlie?"

"With her friends, she's sleeping over there tonight," he was so short with me. No stupid comment, he seemed closed off again, he wasn't even fighting.

"Are you alright?" I asked out loud and I wanted to slap myself for asking.

"Yeah I'm fine Kallie, I'm going to eat outside while I fix my car," he grabbed his plate and went to the garage without even letting me speak.

I grabbed my own plate of spaghetti and went outside.

He already had his music blaring as I sat on a chair. He looked over at me before turning down his music.

"Do you need something?" he asked, short tempered.

"No I just didn't want to be inside alone," I responded.

"Right because a couple days ago you were crazy and left," Alec rolled his eyes and went back to his car.

I put my plate on the seat and walked over to his car and looked inside of it.

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