Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I wonder, why wasn't Will at school today. He hasn't been answering my calls, texts, facetimes. It's almost as if he's punishing me for last night. Was he? Why would he? I did nothing wrong, he's the one who came over high as hell getting pissed off over nothing. But maybe I did do something wrong, I don't know. Did I say something offensive last night? I can't recall saying anything offensive but I might have. I was mad at him last night for lashing out at me more than once.

"Kallie," I heard a voice besides my own and my eyes shot up at my teacher who was waiting for me to respond or even acknowledge that he was teaching.

"Sorry," I respond quickly and he continues talking about the lab we were going to do today. But I couldn't focus, I couldn't figure out what I had done to make Will disappear. Why is it that even when he did something wrong I force myself to forgive him?

"Kallie, are you okay?" Evelyn looked over at me, concern filled in her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry," I spoke quickly before looking up as if I was actually listening to the teacher but my mind kept replaying to Will and last night, my thought process as well.

I raised my hand to go to the bathroom and my teacher nodded almost like he could read my mind.

I walked towards the door, grabbing my bag and once it opened my tears broke down and I was more angry with myself.

How could I become so weak that I'd fall apart in the school hallway, without a shadow of a person walking the halls. How could I be so pathetic to fall into the same doom I was in three years prior? Where did my strength go? Where did I run off too, the Kallie I knew smiled through her pain, she played pretend for as long as she could stand, but what happened? Where was I?

I darted to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I hoped that the coolness on my skin would stop the tears but it only made it worse. I covered my mouth to stop the scream that wanted to leap out and ease this burning in my chest but I couldn't let it out. Not yet. Not in this moment right now. I felt my legs becoming weak and I fell down to the ground unable to get up.

I heard the bathroom door and I forced my eyes away from it, before hearing a disruption outside.

"Kirsten! Hey come here, I want to ask you a question!" It was Isabella's voice down the hall and the door closed before opening again and I turned slightly to see who was at the door and there was that familiarity staring right back at me.

"Come on Kailen get up and get in the back stall," he muttered under his breath before picking me up into his arms and walking us back to the handicaped stall. I watched him lock it and I held my breath expecting him to try to kiss the pain away but he stood by the locked stall door, hand on the lock and I waited for what he'd do next.

What was crossing his mind? What was distracting his thoughts? Was I selfish for falling apart when he too could be just as fucked up as I am?

"Alec," I whispered his name but my own voice broke as it escaped my lips, he didn't even flinch or hesitate. It's almost like he prepared himself for this.

"Alec, where are you?" I then heard Isabella and Alec's swift moves to open the stall before anyone caught him in the girls bathroom.

Once she was in he closed the stall again and locked it.

Isabella came towards me in a hurry but Alec stayed further away from me, at least as far as the stall would allow him to go.

"What happened Kallie?" Isabella asked trying to calm me down but having him not only talk to me but ignoring me only made matters worse. What had I done to make him hate me, was it because I've been the one ignoring him as well? Did he know I was ignoring him? I didn't understand, I was struggling to understand what I had done wrong. But maybe deep down I knew why he was furious with me.

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