Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

"Kallie!" Sebastian grabbed onto and I felt like everything around me was spinning and I couldn't breathe, my heart was racing and I grabbed onto him for dear life.

"Don't let me go," I mumbled into his chest and felt the tears fall as I hugged onto him tightly.

"What happened, where's your jacket? Why are you just in your bra?" Sebastian asked, then trying to cover me up as much as possible.

"We need to go to Alec right now," he then said when he realized I wasn't giving him what he needed.

"Kallie! Oh my gosh what happened!" I heard Sophie then come up to me and peeled me away from Sebastian.

Once she actually saw me and my body she pulled me away from the stragglers walking around and behind Alex.

"Kallie what happened?" Sophie asked in a lower voice. "Asher I need a jacket or a blanket or something!" Sophie then ordered, "Where's Isabella!" she then called.

I felt like I was going into shock and I couldn't process, and didn't want to. My whole world muted and all I felt was Max's hands and his lips, his words whispered in my ear.

Something touched my shoulders and I panicked, "No please stop," before Asher then showed me it was just a blanket.

"Kallie what happened?" Sophie then asked me.

"Kailen! Get the fuck out of my way! Kailen!"

"Alec don't!" Isabella then called out.

He touched my arms and I flinched at his strong grip that the blanket fell and revealed the nightmare I faced.

"Who?" his voice was coated with hate as he touched my cheek.

"I-I," I tried to speak but my words weren't coming the way they should've.

"Was it that guy?" he asked.

He was going to tell me he told me so.

"Alec go cool off, chances of you finding him and forcing it out of her won't happen. He probably left once he realized she got away," Isabella wrapped the blanket on me and I felt dizzy.

"Spinning," I muttered and someone grabbed me.

"Did you drink?" Isabella asked me.

"Come on, she's not stupid," Alec rolled his eyes.

"I had a beer," I nodded.

"One beer cannot take her down," Alec shook his head.

"Just one?" Isabella continued to ask.

"I had just a sip of another one but then," my eyes started to flash back and I grabbed onto the arms in front of me tighter.

"She had to be drugged," Alec commented in a low voice.

"Can you tell me his name Kallie?" Isabella rubbed my shoulder ignoring Alec's comment.

"Max," I whispered, tears falling.

"What did you guys talk about?" she then asked.

"What's that going to do? That's not going to help with shit," Alec argued back with Isabella.

"I need her to talk about what happened, Alec without trying to get her back into shock," Isabella glared at him then.

"Hey Alec where's my money!" Will yelled coming over here.

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