killer missing (part one)

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Killer was laying down in a hospital bed being held down.

Scince was in his lad trying to find what was wrong with killer.

Both the star and bad guys all came to see what happen even tho it was awkard for dream and nightmare but both kept it down for now.

Everyone was in the hallway all worried for killer.

No one knows what happened to killer horror just found killer unconscious in the forest and started panicing as he brought killer to mansion were everyone started freaking out.

And well they brought him here.

Nightmare and dust was the most worried, nightmare had just had a "fight" with killer since he was missing meetings and leaving unexpectedly of days.

When nightmare killer stop fighting killer ran away crying? Dust had been questioning why or where killer was running off. Again killer left crying.

Running off...

Everyone at this point wanted to help killer what ever hes going through.

Killer pov

Its so dark... its so cold? Why is my chest so heavy? Its so hard to breath, i hate you- why am i such a mess, why am i so weak.

So so weak... I let my stupid feelings get in my way again! Love is stupid...

I...I will never be happy huh


That stupid noice!

Ive been hearing it for to long!

Why am i breathing so hard?!

My body is goin numb...

Something is calling me? I have to go!

No one-

"Um guys! Killer is moving!" Blueberry yelled as he looked at killer through the glass window, everyone  quickly ran there to see if killer was find.

Killer quickly stood up from his bed walking away from the bed as he walked out the door as he open the door. Killer kept his head down.

Nightmare was about to say something but suddenly killer started running away sprinting pass everyone.

Killer heard people screaming behind him, but killers mind was compleatly dead? He was just running trying to somewhere?

Killer ran into the winter forest, he was just runing in the thick forest, looking down at the ground suddenly the ground started turning into water as killer stoped looking down.

Killer stared at the Water, killer felt his eyes started watering his eyes had large tears fulling his eyes.

Suddenly a light showed in the water  killer said nothing as he reached down for the light.

And then blank

Nightmare pov

"Where did he go?!" I yelled going into the forest.

"Why did he just run away?" Dust said jumping down from the trees.

"We have to find him he could get far come on everyone in the forest!" Ink yelled as everyone agreed as everyone ran into the forest looking for killer...

We didnt find him....


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