drunk party (1)?

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The party was getting hot an to be honest, every had already started to drink. The party had just started so no one was out of there minds...yet-

But anyway if your wondering what everyone is partying about? We the war has ended and everyone is remorse and relieved, so the bad guys and the start sanses and other aus are rejoicing that its all over.

Many of the people here had a choice to come or just stay home, killer was someone that just wanted to stay home but his boss and his co-workers (friends) wanted him to come so, he did the night had went on with people talking and drinking, eating food and such.
The party was set at Nightmares Castle, and it was out side on a nice looking balcony, were rose bushes and other plants growing all around which gave it sweet feeling, next to the balcony there was a lake, which was easy to access were the food was at.
Everyone at the park was to be dress in a formal way as requested by Dream so we're a tuxedo or a fancy dress.

Killer was at a corner of the area next to a Bush of Rose watching as his friend dust would be able to ask out blueberry, he couldn't.

Dust panic and ran back to killer.

"Kills I can't do it-" dust said as he hugged killer, "come on lover boy ask him?" Killer said looking at dust and soon rolling his eyes at him.

"I just can't man!" Dust yelled still holding onto killer.

Horror noticed and came walking up to him with a wine bottle, not a cup! A full bottle of red wine!

"He still can't ask him out for a dance?" Horror said looking at his friend soon talking a drink of the bottle.

"Shut! Wh-....? We're did you get that?" Dust said looking at the bottle of wine.

"Um...the bartender may have gotten scared of me because a pulled out my axe and gave me this-" horror said sweetly.

Both dust face were like bruh...

"Sure- alright dust time to ask out blueberry." Killer said as he grabbed dust bye the hand dragging him away, horror followed behind him.

"What! I can't killer-" dust soon bumped into the back of killer and horror bumped into dust back.

"Well...if your not gonna ask him...then I will" killer said as he. Let go dust and started to walk blueberry, "ohh~ killer a cock blocker!" Horror said in dust ears smirking, "he's joking-" dust stopped as he see killer was talking to blue soon killer held blue's hand in his hand.

Dust didn't think before he came running, "killer I sear-" dust yelled as he was stopped by blueberry.

"Killer said you wanted to dance with me?" Blueberry asked innocently looking a dust, tilting his head.

"Wha- um yes!" Dust said his face full of blush.

"You're welcome~" killer said as he started walking away.

Killer went back to his usual rose spot as he watched everyone dance, it made him feel a little sad since he didn't have anyone, suddenly horror came running over, "hey! Kills have you seen Lust?" Killer nodded no as horror ran away tipping down killer who fell on the ground.

Killer only scoffed as he got up and started to walk away, walk off the balcony and wanted to the lake area were people were eating there hearts out- in the crowd killer saw lust as he was eating a hotdog, "um lust horror is looking for yo-"

Killer was stopped as he felt something pull him away, killer looked and saw dream, dream let go of killer once they were away from the crowds, "kills I need your help..." Dream said looking down and worried,

"Yeah? What happened?" Killer said looking for what dream, "well you see night- started to drink and he got emotional about something and ran inside the castle, and I was wondering if you could look for him, since you know the place better than me..."

"Oh- um sure? I'll see if I could find him!" Killer said as he ran away, dream was about to go after him but the someone takled him.

~time skip~

Killer was in the castle, looking for Nightmare, the place was in complete darkness so Everytime killer found a switch he would have to turn it on, killer was currently in a hallway looking for a light switch or Nightmare either way he could be easier for him to leave, killer was searching on the wall for a switch he soon found it and was about to flip it on but then something dripped into the back of killers skull, killer turned around as he lightly saw Nightmare staring him down, his cold blue eyes looking at him.


Suddenly Nightmare grabbed killer and roughly put him into a kiss, Nightmare grabbed killer cheeks spreading them apart, as he quickly put in his touge playing around with killer, killer was so confused and shocked that he couldn't react, then it hit killer, Nightmare had a great taste of alcohol in his mouth, and now Killers mouth,

Killer finally got his act together as he tried to push Nightmare away, which was easier than expected, as Nightmare got pushed away he felt anger enraged him.

Killer was currently trying to breath since Nightmare was not going easy on him.

"Why did you push me away!" Nightmare yelled as he pinned back down killer to the wall, "night... your drunk, ah~!" Killer jumped as he felt something lick his neck, he jumped and again pushed Nightmare away again easily since night. Was drunk his sence of direction was out of wack, "stop pushing me away! I'm trying to own you!" Nightmare yelled again putting killer down to the wall, "wha- ow-n me?" Killer said with blush but quickly shook it off since night was clearly drunk.

"Yes own you! But you keep pushing me away,....?" Nightmare yelled with a little sadness at the end, "night?" Killer said looking at Nightmare counfused.

"Come on! Don't you love me?! Like I love you" Nightmare started as some tears were running, killer stayed silent as he looked up at Nightmare and started to wipe his tears away.


"No! Let me claim and own you so we could be in love!" Nightmare yelled as he pulled killer into a kiss, killer tried to push away but killer wasn't strong enough, then kill and Nightmare started having a heated kiss which got more and more sloppiler, the one of Nightmares hand, started running down killers ass and soon, Nightmare entered his hand in Killer's pants, killer jumped but then he feel on the ground, killer was ready for something to happen then he'll looked and saw Nightmare was sleeping...

Kill gave a mad smile.


Killer got up as he started to look for the switch again, he flipped it then he looked around and was about to pick up Nightmare and take him to dream, he turned around and saw Nightmare wasn't on the ground, he jumped again as Nightmare grabbed him and lifted out killer, killer looked down and saw Nightmare had grabbed him with one of his tentacles.

Alright thanks for letting me corrupt you?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>Alright thanks for letting me corrupt you?

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Work it kills~

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