you don't love me...

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Nightmare and killer were in love but the flame has started to burn and the worst thing, nightmare had been very stressed lately and takes out his anger on killer often hurting him and leaving him in horrible state's

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Nightmare and killer were in love but the flame has started to burn and the worst thing, nightmare had been very stressed lately and takes out his anger on killer often hurting him and leaving him in horrible state's. killer wanted to kill him self many times but the only reason he is still alive is for his baby boy crescent.

But one day killer could take it...

Crescent pov (didn't expect that)

I'm now 18... I was at the graveyard celebrating my mother's birthday... It's been 10 years since I've seen him.

I could remember it like it was yesterday...

One day me and my mom went to the park for a little walk in the park, as a kid I always wondered why my mother always weared bandages but I never bother to ask him about it because I didn't know the real reason looking back of how much tim-e you love me... Mh- once we got home... I saw dad with some other person and you did too... They were both kissing each other. But I could see the heart break in your... Eyes... The first time I ever saw your eyes... And last time I saw them.

You let go my hand and started to walk away, I tried to follow you but then you started to run and I couldn't find you...but I did find dad...

"D-ad?" I whispered, dad was sitting in a empty room starring outside his window, I left him alone and started to walk to my room.

I entered my room only to see you there, I smiled and ran towards you and gave you a nice hug... You hugged onto me and gave a sweet kiss. You tucked me in bed....but before he left "crescent can I sing you a song...?" He wisphered " of course?"

You are my Sunshine...

My only sunshine

You make me ... happy!

When sky's are gray...

You'll never know dear...

How much I love you


Please don't take my Sunshine away...
You gave me sweet kiss and then left.

The next day I got up to the sound of people and I go down stairs to see a bunch of people they're were uncle dream and uncle cross, once they saw me they both ran up to me and gave me hugs... I watched as people took your dead courps at the time I didn't think much of it but now I do...

After your funeral things had changed alot. started to be more nice to me, he started to give me gifts and wanted to spend more time with me at the time I didn't get what was going on but I still enjoyed my time with dad but then one day I started to ask where you went...

He didn't answer

The more and more I grew up, the more and more I missed you... And the more and more I hate dad... As I started to pull all puzzle pieces together...

Me and Dad live in the same house still but we never talk and none of us wanted to speak about you but I still pray for you every day...

Dad hasn't found anyone new...yet?

And I have a boyfriend now... His name is gradient (╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭ I'm starting a ship)

....I really miss... If I could go back time and helped you when you were still in my life I would loved you I tell you how much I loved you...

"I loved you too. . . ." I look behind me to see my dad with a flower and tears in his eyes (in his passive form) with uncle dream and cross with my cousins lux and starcrossed all crying or try there best not to cry.

I wiped my tears and they all started to hug me.

I pushed them away still trying my best not to cry.

We all left our flowers and blessings to you...

Dream and the others left to leave me and Dad alone...

"You now... I question myself why I didn't help him once I had the chance" dad said starting to turn back..." Did you really love him or ..." I said whispering "of course I did but... I'm sorry" we both stared at each other and then I looked down and started to Leave, leaving my dad alone.

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