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I'm trying I new writing style so... bare with me


Nightmare pov

I was walking around my castle, just making sure everyone was here that all my workers were doing there job. Walking around I noticed killer he was upstairs to the roof of the castle, I decided to follow him.

Once I was up on the roof I found nothing up there, and then suddenly "watcha doin up here~" I jumped to look behind me to see killer. He started to laugh at my reaction I quickly questioned him "why were you going to the r-oof!?" He stopped laughing and have me confused look at, "since when do you care what I'm doing?" He questioned. It was quiet silent between us...

"Anyway... would you sit with me?" Killer asked breaking the silents. We both sat down, it went silent between us again tho killer didn't seem to mind, he just sat there, closed his eyes and made the wind flow. I stared at him with some blush on my skull but barely noticeable with slime all over me (?) I don't know why did I have always liked killer I've always wanted to make him my queen but- "So who are you in love with~?" Killer said teasely

"What!" I was shocked bye his question. "Well... Your emotions are very... lustful and don't think I didn't noticed you blush~" killer said with a smirk on this face giving me the side eye. I forgot that killer could feel emotions from other people, I must have been that... Lustful?! "W-ell i... I..." Shit! why am I stuttering.

"Come on dude you can tell me.... I won't tell~" killer said giving me a wink in the process. I took a deep breath and looked away with the blush on my face showing brighter, trying my best to ignore killer. Killer was laughing the whole time make fun of me, saying the "big scary octopus king fell in love" which hurt more coming from you... Then out of nowhere

"Is it me~?" I jumped at what he said there's no way he knew...right?

Killer pov

Nightmare had jumped at my question, the blush on his face could be seen a mile away.

I grabed nightmare chin and turn his face towards me... " nightmare look at me... " our eyes where locked together,

"nightmare I want you to look at my eyes"

He seemed confused at what I was doing

"Nightmare I want you too look at my dead black eyes..."

Nightmare stayed quite and just stared at me...

"Nightmare your a king and I'm a murderer with now eyes do you think that they would accept me?" He looked at me with shocked " killer i- " I placed my finger

"Shh... Nightmare I don't love you the way you love me"

Nightmare just stared at me...

"I'm telling you know so you don't build up your feelings for me"

We stared at each other for a few seconds, before I got up and walked away no even looking back.

"Sorry nightmare... But it's better this way"


Done ✔

Any requests?

Also I forgot the person, who requested this so I hope you enjoy.

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