The imposter (🍋)

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This Contents
*lime/lemon (forced?)
*a bit of abuse


Log 16... March 29 year 2026

The ten astronauts have made the trip safely on the skeld ship (#3467)
The Ten passenger Sent were accounted for with Color

Ink- brown

Blueberry- blue

Dream- yellow

Errors- Green

Dust- purple

Horror- Red

Nightmare- black

Cross- white

Killer- cyan

Lust/unlust- pink

Log 16 end.

There are Two imposter...

*In the dept of space*


OK! Is everyone here?" Ink held looking at his fellow ship mate's, "Do you really need to be so loud?" Dust said rubbing his back Tried.

"Yes I do!" Ink yelled Confidently back.

"Anyway! We should probably introduce our self!" Dream said positively.

Everyone stayed silent as they looked around at each other no one said nothing as it stayed silent until one person spoke.

"Um... Hi! I'm Killer?" Killer said as he looked at everyone.

"I-m... L-ust! sorry I not really good with cro-wds..." Lust said looking down.

"There with you buddy... Also- I'm Error" Error said crossing his arms.

"Well I'm Dream and I'm here with my brother nightmare!" Dream yelled happily pointing at his brother nightmare, everyone looked at nightmare as nightmare just nodded at them.

"Not much of a talker?" Horror yelled looking at nightmare, nightmare said nothing as he looked at him.

"Anyway? I'm horror! I hate you all" horror yelled with a smug.

"Yo! I'm dust... That's all I gotta say also don't listen horror he's dumb ass like that" dust said with a bland face.

"Fuck you" horror said looking at dust.

"I'm blueberry! Don't underestimate me because I'm small! I will destroy you..." Blueberry said trying to look mad.

"Guess I'm the last one? Um! I'm cross! I beg you no one show me a cow I- I don't like them" cross said looking at everyone.

Everyone just nodded not wanting to know why.

"Anyway- They gave us all a set of task that we have to do to make the ship still work, if we do all our task well be done by.... 2 days tops!" Ink said as he started giving people there list of task, once everyone had there task. They all started going there Separate ways.

Error dust and dream headed to reactor

Ink cross and lust when to shields and communications.

Horror and nightmare went to O2°

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