•Empireverse little moments•

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Just random things ideas I have for Empireverse nightkiller but I don't make a whole story because its pretty short?
Enjoy? (this may be short?)

story one: So what's in your pants?

killer was in the Guard fields, just playing around with the Knights making them get mad at mostly teasing them and fucking around, one Knight was telling killer off, yelling and just being mad at killer. Suddenly the knight stopped quickly going back into his position all the other Knight's followed, going straight and still.

"Killer? What are you doing here?"

Killer didn't answer back, he just stare at the Knights smirking.

Nightmare grabbed him by the hip taking him away knowing he was doing something stupid with the Knights, killer knew he was being taken away but still kept his eyes on the knight.

"killer what the fuck did you do..." Nightmare said clearly tired, "yeah... I'm good rich boy but you sound like a fucking mess" killer felt nightmare drop him down making him land on his ass.

"fucking! You could of warned me!" Killer yelled as he stood up, rubbing his ass, nightmare stood quite as something just hit his mind.

"Killer can I ask you something?" Nightmare ask a little hesitant, "yeah what up?" Killer said straightening his back to look at nightmare.

"Um... So this is something that has bothered me for a bit"


"So What's in your...pants-"

Killer and nightmare stayed silent as the both just look at each other.

"wait... Wha-"

"You know what nevermind-"

Nightmare started waking quickly regreting what he said, Killer grabbed him by his cape pulling  him back to him.

"No... no... no... tell me why you want to know whats in my pants..."

"I said that wrong-"

Killer placed his finger on nightmare mouth, as he walked up letting him sit back on the wall.

"Oh~ is the rich boy intrested about me~"

"Killer stop it..."

"You asked tho? So you dont wanna know~"

Both killer and night just look at each other, killer with a smug face, and nightmare just bad with blush.

"oh come on kiss already!!!"

Both nightmare and killer jump as the saw some of the maids peeking from around the corner, they quickly ran back, going back to work, acting like they didn't see anything.

"oh? So do you wanna kiss-"

Killer was quickly pushed away as nightmare just walked away with his head down. Killer just watched him leave still having a smug on his face. "Haha pussy-"

Story two: bloody clothes

"K I L L E R!!!!" nightmare yelled as he noticed his clothes was gone, nightmare had searched his closet looking for his usual dress. He knew it was killer who stole it because the room had his stench, don't question why nightmare knows killers smell.

Nightmare quickly ran to killers putting on some fancy clothes which he had, for the mean time, he slammed open killers door as he went inside to see killer laying down on his bed sleeping. Most of his body was covered by his blanket but you could still tell it was nightmares clothes under.

"This little shit went to sleep with my clothes" nightmare yelled in his head, his faced eaz down as he noticed it was kinda cute...

Nightmare let out a small sigh as he lift up killers blanket wanting to wake him up calmly but he lift up the blanket to killer had blood stains on him... On his clothes... The clothes that expensive and cost slot to make

"killer you are dead"

Story three: married couple ~

"Ah yes a normal day of Empireverse the sun king and his alleys are planning there defense and next attack against the moon Kingdom, so you would probably thinking the moon king is there doing the same thing? Nope. just nightmare and killer Arguing about something? At this point I stop playing Attention, but killer really doesn't care and is just messing around with nightmare." Horror said taking a next bite out of a human hand.

"Man, does two always fight..." Dust said biting into some bread, way too tired to care,

"God sometimes they act like some old married couple"

"its gonna happen, nightmare is so gay for killer" horror said sitting back both dust and error both nodded in agreement.

"what I am not gay for no one!"

All error horror and dust jumped as they look and see nightmare standing in front of them seemingly pissed.

"but there telling the truth~" killer yelled jumping over the table to Get a snack from around.

"shut up I Dont like you! No one thinks I like you"

"wait? You don't...? I thought you and killer were together?" A random maid said as she walked by.

"Wait there not together!? Did they break up???" A next maid yelled from around the corner.

"Don't worry there still together, they'll make out later get over it" A knight yelled looking at the maids.

Nightmares face was completely out as he was mad blushing.

"wow~ everyone thinking were together huh? Your totally not gay for me-" killer jumped as a plate was thrown at him,

"Killer shut the fuck up"

"Love you too I'll see you in the bed tonight~"

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