wanna kiss (killcent?)

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Killer x killer so yeah... O just wanted to write this.

Empireverse killer x normal killer don't mind me~

Empireverse and the normal/original author was going through a thread? the two nightmare of both Aus wanted to have a sort of meeting? But it was a more 'personal' meeting so only the two nightmare were together, Empireverse were Visiting the og au, emp nightmare usually came alone but his killer (his) wanted to come for some reasons, something Back about wanting to meet himself, which they have already met but nightmare didn't care and brought him anyway, the two nightmare were in 'there' room (god I'm gonna confuse myself) the castle was practically empty because the everyone else was on a mission or just out and about.
(Most likely kissing there boyfriends)
Even tho nightmare was upstairs in the far left of the castle, the two killers were down stairs watching a movie.

(Empire= Empireverse killer, nightmare won't matter its just going to be about the killers. Got it? Got it!)

Empire was currently laid down on the couch having his head on killers tight, killer on the other hand was sat up looking at the screen.

"So weird ? Why do they look like that?" Empire as looking at the screen closer. "Probably lazy makeup work?" killer said softly. Killer was about to ask something to Empire and then suddenly he felt being tackled down he looked at empire not even surprised or shock, Empire always does this mostly because he thinks it's funny?

"what now Empire?" killer said in uninteresting voice, knowing it probably going to be something dumb, "so! Og me can I ask a favor it isn't much but it may weird for you" Empire said as he looked to the side looking embarrassed? Killer was intended as he looked at him? Something is definitely wrong. Killer only nodded still Spectacle.

"Can I kiss you?"


"Can I K I S S you?"

"I? Why? Tho..." Killer ask sitting up a bit.

"I just wanna try it? See how it would feel to kiss myself?"

"I don't...??"

"just say yes or no? Its either you or naj and I'm not going to kiss a child"

"he's 17 but ok?"

"so can I kiss you?"

"why not... But I don't think we should so it he-"

Killer jumped as he felt Empire grabbed him from the cheeks placing him into a kiss, killer wad about to stop but then something 'came over' him as he jumped a bit, killer closed his eyes melting into the kiss, killer open his mouth and suddenly he felt there tongues touch,killer heard Empire jump killer quickly grabbed onto Empire's back pulling them both down, Empire said nothing a little smirk showed on his face.

Both the killers let there mouths go as they look at each other breathing heavily, Empire stick out his tongue give killer a wink before kissing each other again. Both the killer quickly went back to there make out sessions just making there red tongue danced with each other, even though both killer were not in a relationship both felt a bit cheated on? They felt each others tongues had taken up everything. Both killer let got for the second time but this Time with a Silva net to each others mouth.

"dam... Who knew you were such a kisser~ but even so you taste so good..." Empire said placing out his tongue, Empire was sat on killers lap, killer didn't respond his cheeks a bright red rose, And honestly killer was lost in thoughts questioning why he lost himself there.

Killer jumped up as he felt Empire softly rubbing there crouch against each other. Killer jumped quickly pushing Empire off.

"ow! why did you!"

"what the hell Empire?! You know that the nightmares are upstairs!" killer said quickly pushing himself self up and placing his knees to his chest.

"I know! But you don't do a heated kiss like that and don't expect things to go down!"

Both the killers look at each other faces nicely red.

"so can do some sex or nah-" killer through a pillow at empire making him fall back.

"nope! Were not doing nothing!"

"why not you were so hot when you were kissing me~ you tasted like strawberries!"

"I said no! I'm not losing my Virginity to you!"

somewhere else

"Holy shit that was hot as fuck!" nightmare yelled looking down in his papers.

"shut up og me... I don't- fuck was wrong with my killer!" Empire nightmare yelled into his hands rethink what just happened, imagine himself in that situation.

Long story short both have boners

The end!

Any request!

The bottom bitches ~

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The bottom bitches ~

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