Somebody to love (🍋)

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✨Top killer and dream✨
(Passive night)

This has:
-Offensive name calling
- cursing-
-lemon and lime

Killer was in the high moring he walked to his school were it was almost completely empty, killer looked extremely streesed, suddenly someone gave killer a tap on there shoulder, killer face quickly changed as he turn around.

"Hey? Is something wrong?" Killer said putting on this very nice and cute look, "quite the act its me" Dream said as placed his hand on killers shoulder and started walking with him.

"Why are you out here so early? Wont your dick bag of brother, would stop you" killer said going back to his mad, discontect look.

"Oh! thats the reason i came early- He had brought over is friend, whats the name? Cross i think?" Dream said 'disgusted' but killer could tell something is wrong.

"I smell bullshit- whats your grip with Cross-" killer was interupted as he felt a hug from the back.

"Killer!" Outer yelled huggin into killer, both dream and killer quickly went nice as they look at outer.

"Outer what up? You seem happier than usual?" Killer said hugging back even giving a little kiss on outers head. Outer gave a small blush on his cheeks as he looked at killer.

"Well- I wa-s wondering if you would want to help taste test a cake I made" outer as a little shy looking up at killer.

But somewhere in the bushes,

"What game are you playing killer-" nightmare growled from a bush as he spied on killer,dream and outer.

"Why are you overeacting there just talking to each other" cross said look at night, nightmare ingnored him and just kept staring at killer. But cross soon turn his attention to dream. Were a small smile showed, that stopped as nightmare grabbed cross by the hand quickly dragging him.

Nightmare and cross And night followed them but soon lost both of them as people started coming in to school, "Night I think we should go? I know your jealous that killer is hanging out with people but-" cross was stopped as night looked at him with a dead face. "I Don't like, I Don't trust him- he's up to something and I know it" Nightmare said walking with cross. "But aren't you a bit over reacting he hasn't done anything bad-" the bell suddenly ran suddenly everyone started to go to there classes night and cross were about to leave but night was pulled away from cross going into the crowds as he was placed into a bathroom. Nightmare looked up a bit scared amd suddenly he saw killer standing over him looking pissed? His face was nutral and killer locked the bathroom door and checked all the stall, so it was just night and killer? "So discount purple guy stalking me?"killer ask laning down at nightmare. nightmare kept is ground but being so close to someone made him, feel different than the. "just making sure my brother is ok?" nightmare said trying his best to sound big and intimidating. "yeah sure? but if thats the casethen why was cross saying you had a crush on me?" killer as very nuetral and calm looking down at night.

meanwhile both cross and dream where in class both were them were in the same math class cross was kinda payin attention but he was still distracted looking at dream every while thinking about last night

I can't finish someone else can do it if you want

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