Angel killer(part 1)

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Killer was beat up and hurt on the floor as, he was about to faint he felt something grabbed his neck.

It felt to real as he looks up to see nightmare with a huge grin on his face...

"Oh- come on killer~ already tried" nightmare did as he started to aggressively kiss kill pining him on the wall  as his tentacles started to wrap around his body ripping off his clothes.

"Ple-" killer was cut off by nightmare as he ramed into killer showing no mercy.

"No-!" Killer screaming jumping, looking around to see he was in a waterfall soaked in water.

Killer only look down thicc black tears running down his Cheek rolling into a ball.

He- can-'t hu-rt you a-ny-more!

He can-'t hu-rt you! He's i-n hell-

He can't hurt you-

H-e ca-n h-urt me!!! I-'m no-t supp-ose-d to b-e here im-!

Killer cried into his knees as his black swift wings wrap around his torso.

He can hu-rt you anymore...



Ok... next chapter i swear I'm going to make a happy story!

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