your not my boyfriend

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"I said no!!" Nightmare yelled at killer who seemed pissed.

"What do you mean not?!?!" Killer yelled back.

"I said no... because I know your going to see outer-" Nightmare fired back sounding disgusted by the word outer.

"So what?! I can't have a friend?" Killer said giving Nightmare dead eyes while saying it.

"I have my reasons why-" Nightmare got cut off.

"No! You always say you have a reasons~ but your giving me an explanation" killer yelled getting close to Nightmare.

"You always keep me in this castle, and when I can go somewhere you always have to come with me..." Killer yelled while Nightmare stayed quiet.

"Second dust and blueberry are always together and always flirting with each other, error and ink are a couple and horror and lust have been on dates before- so why are you so-"killer got cut off by tentacles flying by him and wrapping around his neck and mouth, which startled him.

"I said reasons! So don't compare yourself to them there a different story" Nightmare said looking away from killer.

Killer removed Nightmare tentacle. And gave him a glare.

"As if-" killer shot back still mad that he couldn't visit his friend. Nightmare heard killer.

"...I said no so it means no-" Nightmare said looking straight into killers eyes.

"Why are you overprot-" killer said as he felt Nightmare stare on him.

"Killer this conversation is ove-" Nightmare said turning around.

"why do you car- your acting like your my boyfriend!!" Killer yelled but stopped when he realized what he said.

Nightmare jumped as he felt his cheeks turn blue.

Nightmare turned around to face killer but both just stared at each other not saying a word. Both with noticeable blush on there face.

Nightmare finally broke the stare and started to walk away not even looking back, leaving killer alone and confused.

Nightmare had finally made it to his room were he immediately Lock himself in.

Nightmare pov

(haven't done pov in a long time so bare with me, at least in this book...)

Why didn't I say anything....

Dam it! I'm so stupi- I could have told him how I felt...

Uhg- why did you say that, why do I even care who killer meets...

I don't know why I'm so jelouse of some stupid star skeletons.


Killer is my type... I don't want to loose him...

Killer is everything I would what in a guy...(waifu~)

Maybe I'm being too obsessed... But killer your worth it~

Killer pov

Oh-  god....

Wait does he... No! He must be joking!

I mean that would explai-

Oh God! Is nightmare jealous?!

I- how do I feel about thi-

God why me...

Jelouse nightmare my favorite~

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