The imposter (2)

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Log 16... March 29 year 2026

The ten astronauts have made the trip safely on the skeld ship (#3467)
The ten passenger Sent were accounted for with Color but it seems to be eight now

Ink- brown

Blueberry- blue

Dream- yellow

Errors- Green

Dust- purple

Nightmare- black

Cross- white

Killer- cyan

Log 16 end.

There are Two imposter...

"So killer your legs feeling better?" Blue ask as he hoped around killer, "yeah? A little bit its a little hip pain... but im good" killer said as he looked at blue.

"See! I told you, you should have watched out, still can't believe lust would do that to you" blue yelled placing his hands on hips. Killer felt a huge guilt flow through his body "uh... Lets not talk about lust-" killer said as he looked down at his still sore legs.

"oh sorry! hey were here at the cafe! What do you think they have to eat?" blue ask as he jumped onto one of the counter and started to look around the cafe for food, killer gently taped him on his shoulder. "We only have space food which is mostly just jam and liquid food"

"what so no Taco!" Blueberry whined looking at killer. "Yeah no? I think were able to eat normal food when we reach on a planet" killer said softly putting a sad blue down.

"Well were is the ja-" suddenly a blue stopped as he looked behind killer? Killer was about to ask what's wrong but then killer felt two arms grab him.

"Oh hi... Nightmare right?" blue asked smiling at him. Nightmare gave blueberry down look as he looked back at killer.

"sorry... Your blueberry right" Nightmare said as he let out his hand to blue, blue was about to shake his hand but then nightmare grabbed killer by his hand. Killer jumped as his face
went a little pale.

"gasp! Are you guys together?" Blueberry yelled looking at killer.
Killer was about to say something, but then nightmare came in
"Yeah...yeah we are?" Nightmare said as he placed killer at his chest. Killer looked up at nightmare to see he was smirking, killer looked back at blueberry and then blueberry started jumping around asking questions about there relationship.

Killer couldn't speak as he felt so trap. "Sorry blue we have to go" Nightmare said as he took killer away, killer wanted to run but something was stopping him. Killers mind spaced out as he looked up and he suddenly found himself in the room again.

Killer looked around and then he felt a helmet being placed on his head, killer looked at nightmare.

"put on your suit, it full of and ready with oxygen"

"wha-" killer stopped as he heard a huge alarm went off.

Killer suddenly felt nightmare placing on killers suit...

"sorry killer but your coming with me weather you like this or not" nightmare said as he placed on suit, nightmare then grabbed killers hand

"dream... Lets go-" dream came out as he looked at killer smiling at his new account.

Killer looked around and then he felt the ship heating up. Killer was ready to ask then nightmare started walking, killer felt So bad. Killer jumped as he flinched he heard a huge bang, his eyes slowly became dark...

Killer felt as he knocked out.

Wellcome to the planet pollus...

Long story short everyone died-

ill make Part three don't worry,

Spoilers~ were going to nightmares and dreams planet which in among us is pollus

Yeah! Don't hate me for basically killing everyone

And everyone that picked dream as the second imposter wins

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