yandere killer~

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Killer was walking around his school DRAMATICLY looking for senpai noot mare.

Killer DRAMATICLY walked a corner as he looked to see Nightmare and ccino kissin-



killer: *gasp DRAMATICALLY* senpai noot mare!

Ccino: go away kIlLEr he is mine and I will eat squid soup tognight!

Nightmare: my love I never to hurt yo-

Cross broke down the door... DRAMATICLY

cross: you cheated on me and now we're having kids!

Nightmare: *looks counfused DRAMATICLY*

Cross: you know what you did and now I'm pregnant with a cow.

Nightmare: ...

Killer: nooty!

Nightmare jumps DRAMATICALLY and the looks to see killer is covered in blood DRAMATICLY smiling.

Cross: so Nightmare... You are the father!

Killer: *gasp DRAMATICALLY again-* a yandere is here to kill you and the baby...

Cross: ...

Nightmare: that's hot-

Cross DRAMATICALLY turned around and started running.

Killer: let's get married DRAMATICLY

Nightmare: ok...

~many years later~

Nightmare: and that's how I DRAMATICLY met your mother.

Crescent: Wait. But cross had a baby with you?!

Nightmare: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Crescent: did mom kill ccino? Or what also why do you always scream dramatically?

Nightmare: ....

Crescent: dad...?

Nightmare: son help me! The author of the book is forcing us to do this- crescent listen!! You are the only one that can save us. Your not under this terrible Cruse. Please for the love of God help us.

Crescent: ...

Nightmare: have a good sleep son.


Hi...  I totally don't understand why people hate being controlled.

Any requests?

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