my sweet maid~

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Killer pov

I was rushing to master nightmare room hopeing he was still asleep, I had gotten up late and he usually expects me there to help him start the day...

I finally made it to his door as I slowly open the door to see him standing right in front of me with a very serious face.

"Ah-! Sorry master I'm late" I said softly as I bow down to him.

"Your starting to slip up alot lately!" Night yelled at me. I flinch at the time of this voice. I stayed quiet between us before I finally broke the ice, "um... what should I do today?" He looked at me and smiled a little "well just the normal thing but for today I have new maid just to test something don't worry you'll not be replaced" nightmare said "ok? If you don't mind me asking...who is-? "Me..." I heard a voice say I turn around and see my friend cross!

I ran to cross and gave him a big hug. "So I guess I'll take it from here" cross said. "Alright cross let's see you could survive a day with me..." Nightmare said "we'll see" cross said blushing

Cross had always had a thing for master Nightmare, so for cross this was heaven for him. I waved at at them as they left, and then I soon left.

~a few hours later~

I was cleaning around the place with the other maids, I soon found my self alone in the hallway, even though it was creepy... I still needed to do my job.

There was a tall shelf that had to be reached but me being small in length couldn't reach it. I felt two hands at waist I squeal at the the saddened feeling. The arms lift me up and see my friend color (Butler) helping me up. I smiled as I started to dust the high shelf. He soon put me down and started to hug him.

Me and color have been good friends for a good while. We Smile and started to laugh at each other...even giving each other cute little kisses. I've always had a thing for color.

"Killer..." We both jumped with master Nightmare infont of us we were a blushing mess as we were embarrassed.

Nightmare seemed pissed at us, well more at color.

Nightmare grabbed my hand and we started to leave. I waved at my color as we left.

We were at his bedroom, I assumed he wanted me to clean it so I started to pick up some clothes that were left on the ground.

*Smack* I jumped feeling something touch my butt. I look behind me to see master Nightmare he had a smirk on his face and I was blushing mess.

We lock eyes for a good minute before he started to walk towards me. For some reason I started to walk back. Soon he had me pin to the wall."maste-?" I felt his lips press against mine as he started to kiss me.

I tried to push him away but he only continue. I think one of his tenticals tried to get into my pants...

He finally let go and had started to go for my neck.

*Bang* *bang*

The door noise. Nightmare seemed pissed.

"Master Nightmare your parents need to see you" said the voice from the other side. "Ok give me one minute" Nightmare said annoyed. He looked at me and then look down at his pants for some reason?

He wisphered in my ear "we'll finish this later~" as he walked away.

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