why me...

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Fluff? I mean nothing bad happened so...

"Stop staring at me..." Kill wisphered as he felt nightmares eyes Lazer all over his body.

"...why-...so cute-" Nightmare said as he grabbed killer on his lap, killer wanted to punch him but one of Nightmare tentacles grabbed his arm and placed it on the bed cover, leaving killer open.

"Night- what are you-!"killer jumped as he felt Nightmares hot breath on his chest.

Killer wanted to just leave but then Nightmare started to sniff killer as Nightmare held to killer bring his body closer to his. Getting a good wift of what is happening.

Nightmare was so caught up with killer he didn't even hear the door banging.

"Um... nigh- someone is at the door..." Killer said pointing at the door.

Nightmare didn't even look and just yelled. "Go away I'm busy!"

"But- you said!"

"I said I'm busy cross!" Nightmare yelled back wanting to be alone with killer while killer was struggling to get out of Nightmares grip.

"You- little...if it was killer you would be running-" cross said leaving.

Killer and Nightmare waited for cross to leave.

"Ok that's enough-!" Killer jumped as he felt Nightmares pinned him down.

Nightmare went to sleep and leaving killer in an awkward place.

"Why me...."

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