soul sex🍋🍋🍋🍋

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I wanted make this...¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

No One pov

Killer was currently running away from nightmare as killer just failed a mission and was now running for his life.

Nightmare had caught killer and now had him pinned down.

Nightmare pov

" Well... Why did you fail your mission?" I yelled at killer. Killer only looked to the side and stayed quiet. I was about to to hurt him but got a better idea.

I smirked and grabbed his soul, he flinched at the sudden movement.

I look at his soul and started to castrated it, looking down to see his reaction to certain places. And each reaction I got was priceless.

Until I touch a spot, which was right in the middle of his target soul.

It's suddenly turned into a heart. I look down at killer who was now looking at me. With a huge blue blush on his face.

We look each other, I only smirked putting killer soul close to my mouth...

No one pov

Killer sat up nodded no to Nightmare. As he licked killer soul. which licked killer's clit he jumped at the feeling as he covered his mouth holding back his moans.

Nightmare laughed at killer," wow! How bad could this be since you look so pathetic!"

Killer look down and smiled. Nightmare continued laughing not even noticing killer had telaport behind him.

Killer went under Nightmare jacket and grabbed his soul.

Nightmare jumped looking behind him to see his apple shape soul in killer's hand.

Killer looked at how different his soul was nightmare had his tentacles sharpened the hit killer.

But as nightmare tentacles was about to hit killer.

Killer had shoved the entire soul in his mouth.

Nightmare stopped right in tracks.

His cock was in killer. He felt all of inside killer mouth.

Nightmare jumped as killer said "who's laughing?" Feeling vibrations in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nightmare walked up to killer

"Ki-ller s-ppp- it" nightmare said holding back the fact he was enjoying this...

Killer spit out the soul, he looked at Nightmare...

Killer smirked as looked at the soul and started to give it kiss.

Which sent pulses of pleasure to nightmare as the kisses were going all over his body.

"Ki-eer stop!" Nightmare yelled at killer trying his best not moan. Soon enough nightmare was on his knees...

Killer only laughed as almost fell, feeling a something lick his ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nightmare had started to lick and kiss and even biting into killer's soul, as killer started to fall. And now was in his knees, Giving nightmare to get back his soul

Nightmare and killer look at each other and noticed the mess they made.

Nightmare look down and smirked. Killer closed his eyes expecting something to happen to him but he felt nightmare picking him up.

And soon flipping up onto the bed nightmare killer lock eyes on each other.


Part 2?¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

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