nightkiller lemon

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Killer pov
I made a bet with Nightmare about two weeks ago and the deal was if he didn't have sex with me for a month...that at the end of the month he could do whatever he wants... with me and it's the end of the month, so yesterday he told me to meet him in his room at 8pm and that he had a outfit for me to wear.

I'm walking down the hallway to nightmares room praying something happens. knowing damm well I wasn't going to walk
the next day, I finally made it to nightmares room but, once I was inside I saw nothing I look around his room trying to find him, not like I want to find him. I noticed something on his bed. It was a box with a note attached on the top.

The note read "wear this for me~" I look at the box one last time before I finally decided to open it, to find.

The note read "wear this for me~" I look at the box one last time before I finally decided to open it, to find

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I blushed diving through the box trying to find any more clothes hoping this was not it. But I was wrong. I look around one last time to make sure no one was watching. As I took off my clothes and started to put on the outfit. I felt embarrassed as I did so, I put the collar first and the jacket, all that was left was the shorts and they were he'll of small as I put them on I felt so ashamed once they were fully on I noticed how the pants were riding up my ass, Having my butt exposed. I look at my self in the mirror  for a good second before I noticed nightmare behind me.

I didn't have time to react before he grabbed my already exposed ass and started grinding his erection on it. "Well well well look what we have~" Nightmare said in a seductive voice. I look up at him blushing as he stop grinding on my ass and started to move his hand up my chest. "I want this as well~"  I blushed and then summoned boobs.

God I felt horrible right know... I can't I agreed to do this dare.

Nightmare had grabbed my boobs and had started grop them together which made me moan a little. Nightmare had stopped and let go of my boobs,I look up to see nightmare smirking at me. I was confused only to fell something wrapping around me a look down to see Nightmare tentacles romming my body. Causing me to moan.

Nightmare has grabed me by shoulders and placed me on the bed with my ass high in the air. I tried sitting up but then nightmare placed me back down.

Nightmare pov

I just left killer in that position to have a good view of my area, I was getting hornier by the second. I made my tentacles stop feeling killer, and started to angle my member. I grunted  as I trusted into killer, earning a loud moan from killer, tho I didn't like the fact he tried to hide it.

" aww~ co-me on make this f-un for me... " Killer had his mouth covered hold back this moans as I trusted into him until my member was completely inside him.

"Well well kil-ler when will you lossen up?" As I trusted into him earning some of his sweet moans. I continued trusting into him going faster by the minute, with my hands grabbing onto killer's ass, giving him a nice slap in the ass which killer loved because he would moan every time I did so.

I stop and took my member out of killer. Killer looked at me clearly wanting more. "Wh-y did you s-top~?" I smirk at him as I grabbed his leash making him sit up. My member was right between his ass. I could tell he was blushing as he'll. "Why kills~ would you mind riding me~" he looked at me "Nightmare I hat-e you..." As started to position entrance to my member. And then slamming down. Killer moaned has he did so almost falling at the amount of pleasure he was feeling.

Killer was bouncing on nightmare with Nightmare enjoying the ride. "F-uck nightmare why ar-e yo-u AH~ so B-ig" killer said as Nightmare felt him self getting close...

He pulled killer by his leash which made him stop and had used one of his tentacles to hold onto killer. As he slammed into killer moaning every time he trusted until he finally can into killer left leg.

Killer was already tired and was ready to pass out. Nightmare have killer a pack on his cheek before falling asleep.

That's done ✔ thank God!

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