normal nightmare x naj! Killer

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Nightmare pov (like always -_-)

I felt something like my skull it was very light and to be honest wasn't really bothering me, until "um... Black thing?" I jolted up out of my bed into a fighting position , looking around for the voice. To find nothing I look around one last time to still see nothing and then "um down he-re" I looked down to see...

 To find nothing I look around one last time to still see nothing and then "um down he-re" I looked down to see

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I blush at what I'm seeing, is that... Killer?! But why is his eyes like that, is that how his eyes look?! God has blessed me with his image I am seeing, "uh... Hi?" I manage to say, with me still questioning why he's wearing a bunny suit. "Hello sir w-hat are you doing in my room?" I looked around to see I was a different room, it seemed to be his... I looked back at him "why aren't you scared of me?" He gave a little chuckle and look back at me " well the bigger me told me a lot about you also I'm kinda use to this " wait so he must be from a au. " So you talk to killer from my universe? " I questioned, "yes a lot actually, he kinda acts like a big brother to me" he answer,

"I have one more question"

" Ok? What is it? "

"Why are you so small?"

" well I'm only 17 years old-"

so he's like a younger version of killer?


Done ✔


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