just let me die...

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Killer sat at his room his friends getting more concerned for him- killer had flowers growing from out of his skull and was slowly growing up around his face and then reaching down to his lower body, were flowers started growing on his hand and legs, dust, error, horror, cross and especially Nightmare desperately tried to get killer to go to a doctor to see what was wrong. But killer just said no and only his the flowers by covering himself up, he started wearing long while gloves and long pants different from his normal shot pants.

Killer would mostly spend most of his time in the garden he told the other guys if he died he would like to be somewhere peaceful... This didn't sit right for anyone but they couldn't Force killer to go to a doctor, word had went around and people started worrying. But no matter how many times people begged killer to go get help, killer always refund-

One day he told the truth... He had a sort of hanahaki disease that someone special to him die before he could tell them how he felt.

People were devastated and just accepted killer was going to die, and decided to leave killer in peace visiting so often but one person couldn't accept.

"Killer? Are you here?" Nightmare said walking into the garden he looked around to see if killer was here, "morning" a faint weak voice said coming from the bushes.

Nightmare let out a small sigh as he walked towards the voice, he found killer sitting on ground in a Bush laid back.

"Killer have you eaten yet?" Nightmare said as bended down to lift killer from his shoulder,

"no... I didn't want to waste your food on mysel-" killer stopped as Nightmare aggressively yanked killer up placing him to stand.

"How many! ...come on let's get so-"

"Please don't... I know you care bu-"

"I just why don't you want to help yourself?!"

"I'm sorry... I just I don't know what's going to happen-"

"Who did you even... love- and gave you this?"

"I can't say... I just I can't get over them-"

"You can! Please killer I don't want you go-"

Killer placed his hand on Nightmares cheek and only nodded.

"I know you care but... I can't fight anymore I just... Just stop- please I don't want to be a burden to you..."

Nightmare wanted to cry so bad but held it in. But soon saddest turn to anger.

"Why... Are you going to.. just let yourself die for some stupid! Why don't you love someone else?!"

"...I'm sorry but my heart is already condemned to next soul"

Suddenly Nightmare grabbed killer and pulled him into a hug as he started crying on killer shoulder.

Killer let out a small sigh as he hugged back give Nightmare small pats on his back.

"I know... I'll miss you too"


"What's wrong-"

Suddenly Nightmare pushed killer back and both Nightmare and killer stare at each other then Nightmare slowly pulled killer into a kiss.

Killer was shocked but for no reason didn't try to push Nightmare away or stop he just melted into the killer as Nightmare held killer close.

After 30 second Nightmare decided to let go as both Nightmare and killer stare at each other. With Nightmare slowly backing away.

"I'm sorry I just..."

"No... I'm sorry... Nightmare I don't like you that way-"

"Killer i-"

"No... I can't love someone like you"

Killer said as he crossed his arms looking away.

"What... What do you mean someone like me?!"

"... I can't... I'm sorry I don't think of you that way-"

Killer and Nightmare both stayed silent, so much silence that you could hear a butterfly wings flap.

Suddenly foot steps could be hear, "I'll bring you some food..." As Nightmare walked away.

Killer said nothing and waited for Nightmare to leave the the garden.

Killer looked down a suddenly a small tear drop off his cheeks.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to leave mark when I die... Nighty~"

Killer blinked and slowly wiped his tears with his gloves as he sat back down on the ground and just started staring at the flowers and animals around him.


Alright people?! I'm back?! And I'm bringing this back...

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your daily picture sir~

your daily picture sir~

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