my what...(🍋?)

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This is a short joke chapter ok-

Lime i guess?

Killer laied in his bed holding onto his blanket and pillow like his life depended on it, Killer just wanted to die right now because he was so cold-

"Alright kills! Get up and drink your meds amd then you get some chicken soup" lust said sitting next to killer holding a pill and some water, killer just let out a small grunt' lust was confused as he just lift up the blanket!
"No! My blanket!!" Killer yelled trying to reach over. Lust look down at killer he had his legs cross very sexual having his ass lift up, showing of his curves and ass. Lust just placed the blanket again his face a blank.

"Ok killer you dont have to show off" lust said giving killer the pills and water, killer just weakly drank it, lust was still pissed of something, killer had noticed.

"You good lust?" Killer ask putting the cup down, "Man I wish I had your body..." lust said a little jelouse "what?" Killer said suprised-

"You know you have a thin body with a small waist and your fucking fat ass" lust said looking down at himself "i would kill to have and a lot of other people would to"

"I dont have a... no im got tha-t" killer yelled a bit embarsed not knowing what to say.

"What do you mean? You go out jogging every day you do a lot of squwats, your one the fastest memmber in your team but your bonus you get some nice tights and you know your fat ass-" lust was cut off as killer throw the emtpy cup at lust.

"Why would you say that?!" Killer yelled hella embarrassed. Lust just doged the cup, "Im just being honest-"

"Well its a lie no one thinks that...right!?" Killer said as he laied back down.

"I mean~ nightmare really like staring at you when you work out so~" lust said teasing killer couldnt say anything as his face was well gone in blush.

~months later~

Killer was sit on nightmares lap, killer on his finger in his mouth holding his moans as nightmare let his tentecales wrap around killers body, nightmare had his hands in killers pants playing around with his ass. "Nightmare come on- not right now, ah! Ye-ah watch w-ere your tentacles are goi-ng." killer said grabbing onto nightmares chest. "why so~ your so soft and tight~" nightmare smiled putting his finger inside killers asshole. Killer let out a moan but quickly held himself back. "come on night! this is not the time-" killer said as he grabbed nightmare hand that was in his pants, "Aww~ but I want to pound your big ass~" nightmare said putting away his tentacles but leaving his hand in killers pants. "Stop saying that! I don't have a big... Butt-" killer yelled embarrassed at the end.

Don't worry I'm working on a top dream and top killer lemon...
So bottom bitches nightmare and cross!!!

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