fuck off-!!!

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Alright....this is not a chapter so if you don't care about opinions or anything like that because I'ma cuss alot ok good night and leave if not then listen up fuckers!!

Alright....I'm not here to hate but, this has been bothering me for so long and fucking hate it!! To a point I started to punch holes in my walls.

Ok now listen up, we all love undertale...right?

And we like to ship the sans au?

And we all have our different ships and like different pairings right?

Ok I can understand if someone like a different ship or thing and have there own opinion... that's fine!

People just...shut up!!!

Ok I have had recent problems....

This happened around December of 2019...you know before?

But last year I had three people telling me to delete my book or they're going to report me and get my book down themselves.

I didn't care since I knew they couldn't do shit! To me and I was enjoying the holidays so I could care less....but these mother fucker!!!

They managed to report my book and Wattpad almost blocked me!!

So during January I didn't post much since Wattpad where watching my books.

Ok!! I know you don't like nightkiller but... what the fuc-

And do know these people told me they hated nightkiller and that I should make it crossmare instead since it was "the best ship" ok listen up!

They came to my book!!!

Just to tell me my ship was bad and I should change it to there  ship!

Got me reported for nothing!!

And I got the blame!?

Ok listen up... it's alright not to like a ship but these fucker came after me!!

I'm a multishipper so I like a lot of ships and I'm fine with them, and yes I do have a ship I would prefer to others... but why I should I change my ship just because you don't like it?!

And this is one of the reasons why I never liked crossmare...I just can't stand it!!

I know not everyone is like this but it's the people like them that really make me hate the ship.

I have been around the crossmare areas if you mention something that is not crossmare they will come after you!! Aleast that has been my experience with them...

This happened along time ago and I'm only telling you this now because back then Wattpad was still on my back.

Anyway...I just wanted to get that out also to the people that reported me...

fuck off!!! And leave me alone I did nothing to you...so cry about it!

Do you know the amount of trouble you put me in?!

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