just a taste~

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The nightmare was in office/room thinking the war was over and his friends (henchman) were going to be leaving. Most of them would be going to live with there boyfriend and the others would go back to there au to meet there friends and family again.

But out of all of them, the one Nightmare was the saddest to see leave would-be killer-

Nightmare at the thought always had a bitter taste in his mouth anytime killer wasn't around, the taste wasn't...nice? But on the other hand, night would get a nice rush of flavour anytime he was around killer.

It was so sweet~ but not in your typical flavour...

Nightmare snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a knock on the door-

"Come in?" Nightmare said as he looked down in an annoyed tone.

"Nigh?...can I talk to you?"

Nightmare shot his head up as he heard Killer.

"Ironic" Nightmare said under his breath, "what was that?" Killer said as he walked closer to night.

"Um? Nothin so what did-" Nightmare stopped looking to see killer right in front of him.

"I wanna try something..." Killer said in Blane tone.

Nightmare did say anything as just lifted his left eyebrow (?)

Suddenly killer grabbed Nightmares jacket, pulling night down to his level. Killer locked eyes with nightmare as he brought there faces close to each other soon killer put their lips together, nightmare flinched as he felt them kiss but the vast ray of the flavour came to his mouth, he melted into the kiss as he removed killer's hands and he started to wrap his hands-on killer's waist,

Without warning nightmare swiftly grabbed killer and quickly sticking his tongue into killer's mouth, nightmare had gone a little far in touch as the flavor killer was giving him was unlike any other-

But then that tastes was taken away...

Nightmare looked and saw killer had pushed him back.

Both killer and Nightmare looked at each other.

"I should start leaving-"

"Did you always have such a sweet taste?" Nightmare asked grabbing killer by his hands.

"I- I think I might have?" Killer looked down at the side as looked for a way out. He was not expecting this to happen.

"Might have?"

"Oh! Hey dream?!" Killer yelled looking to the side, Nightmare jumped as he looked at the sight and saw killer had ran away.


You haven't gotten away from me yet~



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