I don't work for you

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king nightmare x Butler killer
Also before I start this was supposed to be a fluff but I ended up writing a bit(alot) of smut so ¯\(°_o)/¯

"Alright everyone! The master has informed me off a banquet! Which will rain upon rich or important people, so it is our duty to make anything is perfect, so I need everyone to be on there A game, one mistake you make and they get all of our head's!"

The chef went on to explain everyone job and what to do everyone seemed find to do there job and immediately started on it.

Only one person didn't get a job, killer who was the best of the best of Butler's.

"I have a question what would I be doing?" Asked killer looking at the chef,"well seems like you'll be bringing in and out the turkey to the guest, but with you having to hand them out I think we're are find!"

~time skip~
Everyone had finally finish there job and immediately ran back to make sure none of the guest saw him,

All the guest sat down and was quite at first. You could see all the rich people that So many Evey them.

As the workers look at the people they had to serve, one in particular grabbed Killer's eyes (?) It was all mighty king himself Nightmare... which killer hated due to his reasons.

They had all started to chat about there kingdom and accomplishments of money they gain, eating on the food stamps that they started which and from the looks of it they were enjoying it.

It was now time for drinks and other snacker as they continue going. A bunch of maids and Butler walked in taking and placing not even making eye contact with the guest.

Even if they weren't keeping eye contact someone definitely was.

As killer made it to the kitchen the entire room was filled making sure nothing was out of place and ready for any occasion.

Killer place the empty cup and was quickly given a plate of food whose name was... Nightmare

Killer walked through the hallway and made it to the main room where everyone was sitting as killer came up and placed the plate of food in front of Nightmare as killer turned away, he felt a little tap on his ass.

Killer jumped a little but decided to ignore it walking away as if nothing happened.

The night went on and entertainment was going on so everyone was distracted expect the workers who were now taking a break from the hard work of trying to make this banquet perfect.

Killer was alone in the hallway looking through the window looking at some Stars.

Little did killer know what was about to happen.

Two hands wrapped around Killer's waist, killer jumped at the movement and was about to push whoever they were but killer was slammed against the was having his back turned to whom ever it was.

"How have you been~" they whispered into killer ear(?) Killer jumped feeling they hot breath, killer manage to look back to see the one and only Nightmare.

Killer wanted so bad to punch him but couldn't due to the fact nightmare was a guest.

"Hello king Nightmare..." Killer said turning around to look at Nightmare in the eyes.

"Oh~ you don't have to be so formal" nightmare whispered softly into killer as he started to kiss killer and started to give a French killer.

This wasn't the first time killer and nightmare did this and if Nightmares plan goes right then it won't be the last.

Meanwhile entertainment was finished as everyone got back into positions and everyone had noticed Nightmare was missing.

As they were questioning where nightmare was the workers had just realized killer was gone too.


"Ah- mhh~! Na-ug-hty~!" killer moaned into his hand as nightmare trust into killer, against the wall slamming enough to make the sound of a bang on the wall.

"Kill- dam~" Nightmare stuffed his face in killer's neck increasing his speed moaning into killer's neck with each trust, as killer wrapped his legs around Nightmare hip, giving Nightmare more room to trust which, of course Nightmare did almost leaving killer screaming but killer hold it back.

Nightmare was trying so hard not to moaned to loud, killer how was particularly biting into his shift leaving a tear in his work suit which is going to be hard to explain it's sudden tear.

"Kills!!!" Killer and Nightmare both jumped as they both quickly trying to act casual at the best of there assent.

Nightmare took out his member out of killer slowly because as much as he wanted to countine, and quickly pulling up his pants and fixing this zipper and shirt.

Killer doing the same but unlike nightmare, killer's shirt got teard. As was frantic about this explation.

"Kill-! Gasp! King Nightmare thank goodness we were looking for you!" The maid said bowing down to the king.

Both killer and Nightmare were silent but killer knew he still had a job to do.

"Sorry king Nightmare got lost and I was escorting him to the main room!" Killer said in the most formal he could.

The maid was killer and Nightmare all started to walk back. Nightmare stayed behind killer. Still wanting to countine his session(~) with killer, Nightmare noticed killer eco body was still formed so took this with a smirk, Nightmare made his hand slip in of Killer's pants which wasn't property fixed because of how fast they had to move.

Killer felt his and quickly tried to move Nightmares hands, but Nightmare didn't buge and soon started to play around with his ass(~). Killer face was completely red and Nightmare was just smirking.

"So killer what happened to you suit?" Maid looked to killer noticing his ripped suit.

"W-ell! *Cough* I was trying to reach a high shelf and I fell and-"

"But your suit isn't dirty?" Maid said looking at it with further expectation.

They had finally made it too the main room were everyone was waiting, nightmare had to move his hand and walked over to his seat acting like nothing happened killer felt reavel until.

"So! What did happen to your suit!" Maid winded wanting a answer.

The night went on and the dinner had finally finish, which was good for the staff.

Killer was about to leave to go to his room but was stopped by his boss/master.

"Yes sir?" Killer asked, "killer your Being moved to an other place tomorrow..." The master said almost wanting to cry.

Killer was the best of the best Butler's so he could see why he would cry.

But killer was praying that what he thinks, is his new Master,

"S-o wh-o will I b-e wo-rkin-g for?

"King Nightmare..."


Oh~ killed fucked!

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