This stays between us...

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this is a ddlc au(doki doki  literature club)/but nightmare is yuri and killer is sayori

nightmare was walking around looking for his friend killer although nightmare hated to call killer his friend but since he was young he had called killer his friend but to be honest he always like killer more than a friend, that's why he hated calling him friend.

killer and nightmare were friends from when they were young, killer even thought he was 16 at this point was still  innocent and not dirty mine which nightmare loved about killer but killer never felt the same away about him and often friendzoned nightmare still hoped for a day were killer and him were a thing. even though it seemed  impossible because killer was known as the popular rich kid,but now a days he saw killer was always in a hurry and always tried to run off somewhere, nightmare became worried for his friend and started to look for his love...

while look around he hear a scream coming from the gym he hurried and ran over to see-

"ki-ller?" nightmare said with pure shock, as he watched killer with a bloody knife in this hand and a girl that was stabbed in her shoulder laying on the ground crying. 

"nightmare apple, you are now a optical you mush be ended-" killer said as he walked over to nightmare. killer threw a stab at nightmare but nightmare quickly dogged it and grabbed killer by the hand and pinned him to the floor. 

the girl had lost enough blood that she fainted, nightmare stared down at killer as killer was trying to push away nightmare.

"nightmare! get off of me, if he aren't going to hurt me then-" killer was cut off by nightmare

"shut it, why would you do this?! why-" nightmare yelled as killer glared him, "i don't need to explain anything to you..."

"killer i thought you were sweet and innocent! and- was this entire thing just a show?!"nightmare yelled as he felt tears run down his cheeks, killer stayed quite looking down saying nothing i n returned

"killer answer me! why would you do this!?" nightmare wishing that his true love wasn't he thought he is.

"nightmare i'm doing this for color... i look him and his girl was trying to take him away..." killer and nightmare looked at each other.

nightmare said nothing and grabbed killer and started to hug him."nightmare i'm scared..." killer said holding tightly to killer.

"this-... will say between us...but you have too never do this again..." 

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