please don't bully me killer

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.... All the weebs are looking at this title, knowing dam well what's gonna happen, I'm not going say...just take the story. I'll mix it up but the relationship is going to be the same(or close) if people like this I might make a part two.

Lets begin...

Nightmare is in his passive form but is still considered the top (not really)


It was the end of the day, the school was quite with really no one around the halls. A young skeleton was walking through the quiet halls try to find his twin brother.

Nightmare at the time was on high alert, Nightmare was a Prime target for bullying so this would be Normal for him to make sure on one was around or following him. Nightmare looked to side as he saw the entrance to the library.

"Well I might as well stay here until dream starts looking for me" Nightmare thought as he walked into the library, he walked in to see it was almost empty with the Librarian and one other skeleton that was reading a book.

Nightmare let out a small breath as he walked towards the table were the other skeleton was,Nightmare quickly regretted his Decision as he had a good look at the skeleton.

It was killer sans the most respected monster at our school. Nightmare was already at the table and tried his best to act normal as he sat down at the other end of the table as far away from killer.

Killer looked away from his book as he looked at the skeleton next to him.

Nightmare quickly noticed the stare killer was giving him as he tried his best to ignore it, reaching in for his back pack. To keep his mind calm.

Nightmare quickly grabbed a book from his hand as he started reading it.

Suddenly nightmare heard a chair move and foot steps and was walking towards him, Nightmare heard the noise but his body dare not move, trying his hardest to act normal.

Suddenly nightmare jumped as he felt the book in his hand had gotten snatched away.

"Ye-ah?!" Nightmare yelled. quickly regretted it as he looked up at killer who was just holding the book and reading it.

A few seconds of awkward silence just stayed as killer suddenly let a huge smug form on his face.

"Nightmare is it~" killer said as he sat down next to nightmare.


"What grade are you in?"

"U-m I'm A- a- a"

killer let his smile grow larger and nightmare had noticed feeling embarrassed.

"Aww~ such a loser!" killer yelled sitting up.


Killer suddenly threw the book at nightmares chest, Nightmare jumped as he looked at the book.

"Ohh~ do you want a girlfriend so bad that your reading weird I've stories?!" Killer yelled putting his hands on his hip.

Nightmare blushed awkwardly looking at book as he forgot he was reading a love story.

"Hehehe~ why so purple Mr romantic?"

"I..." Nightmare said whispering.

"Ohh~ I get it!"

Nightmare was so confused at what was happening. He was going to ask but suddenly killer grabbed nightmare by his collar bringing there faces together.

"Lets just say... Your my senpai~"


"Im going to make sure, your going to be mine at the end of the Year~"

Nightmares face was completely full with blush looking like a purple Grape, knowing dam well what senpai is...or what killer was saying.

Killer let go of nightmare was he started walking away leaving nightmare alone.

Please don't bully me killer chapter one

Nightmare is in for he'll isn't he? ;-;

Sorry noot noot...

Anyway~ wanted part two?

Also can someone draw killer and nightmare in his situation? I wanna see how people intuition of this is-

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