Wrong love

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Nightkiller (a lil driller) not really

Dream looked pissed as he walked to nightmares room ready to murder, dream kicked down the door to nightmares room and was about to beat the shit of nightmare suddenly dream stopped as he saw killer sitting on nightmares bed just waiting, "uh... Killer what are doing her-"

"I don't know... I just woke up in nightmares bed?" Killer said standing up, Dreams face went a little disappointed as he remembered, "wait did you guy-" dream was stopped as killer grabbed him out of the room going into a hallway far from nightmares room. "Dream I need your help nightmare has been... Different?" Killer said pulling down is shirt, dream had noticed but didn't say anything "uh? What do you mean?" Dream said having a small feeling of what happened "he's been really off and on with me sometime he's nice and times he hates" killer said whispering the last part but dream heard it right,  dream sigh in relief but still felt where this is going, "Nightmare why can you just your feeling and stop hurting him... Make up your mind-" dream thought knowing how pissed he was.

"I have to talk to nightmare I think I know what is happening" dream said as he pat killers back, killer nodded killer walked away from dream soon closing his eyes as he made it to his room. Killer just sat down on his bed, killer felt his eyes goop overflowing standing as a way for him to cry Thinking what had happened.

"You worthless skeleton you couldn't even kill-" nightmare was gonna yell at killer but stopped as he saw killers body was shaking, Nightmare was about to ask killer what was wrong but then killer suddenly fell down, Killers eyes went off as he woke up on nightmares bed, kill jumped up seeing nightmare being worried, it didn't last long as he went back to his mean self. "What even happened? No wonder you have been so weak" nightmare said as he lift to killer, killer said nothing knowing where this would go, "no wonder your gonna die alone, no one will love you, no eye... Pittyfull-"

"Stop..." Nightmare was cut off he was about to yell back at killer then a large wave of negative emotions pass at him, nightmare looked down as he was saw killer started crying. The goop of his eyes started over flowingz choking up on his words, nightmare felt bad and was about to say something "I get it! I'm not cute or beautiful! And I'm gonna die alone with no love... Your absolutely correct who would even love me, I'm just stupid eyeless murder..." Killer yelled the goop on his face had overflowed so much it started coming out of his mouth.

"Killer... I don't- Your not gonna die alon..."

"What do even gain from telling me I'm weak or not Beautiful or that no one would love me?? well you won night! The only person I even had a chance with has moved on and is with someone else all my friends are in loving relationship's and I'm here standing alone, I've seen what happens to me... The only reason you do is because your with ccino and aren't using him as your negative source and you saw I was alone and single with no love why not use him! Hell your problem getting all the negativity you want by this-"
Killer yelled at nightmare, Nightmare said nothing as his face went blank... Suddenly nightmare got up opened a portal, during the whole sense his mind was going to war to each other his feeling better... "You really are gonna die alone..." Nightmare said as jump into the portal, but nightmare was in war, nightmare just left leaving killer on his bed... Killer said nothing his mind going grim...

Yeah I figured you were right...

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