three Killer's?!(3)

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The three Killer's were all at a dock enjoying some nice cream and talking to each other and how weird there life has been...

While the three Killer's were talking suddenly something on empireverse rang. Everyone stopped and looked as empire went to his pocket to check some kinda phone?

Empire looks at it for a good minute before a while just shrugged it off and went back to eating his nice cream.

"What was that about?" Naj said as he looked at empire.

"Ah- nothing just mr. Rick noot noot is wondering were I'm at" empire said as he countine to eat his nice cream, with a smug look at the end of his bite.

"You should really-"

"Nah- Don't worry about it night can do me anything?"

"Wait...why dose your Nightmare want to know were your at?-" naj ask looking at empire with a small cheeky smile.

"Idk he always act's like...I'm his wife or something and he needs to know my every move" empire said looking off in the distance.

" think?" Original killer said looking at empire with a small look.

"What? Hell nah-" empire yelled looking disgusted.

"Oh come on~ I was teasing" killers said finishing his nice cream.

"Hm- so this how it feels when someone tease so guess this how all those guys felt!" Empire said winking.

"Pff- ok that's something-" naj said looking off.

"It's getting pretty late...naj this is your au, you think you can get home from here?" Original said looking at the now setting sun.

"Um! Hey? My house isn't too far from here..." Naj said looking down a road.

Original and empire killer both gave naj a hug before naj started running off towards his house waving good bye.

"Alright Time to head to my domain!" Empire yelled as he stretched his body.

"Right- question? Do you want to go at your house at the castle or at the village?" Killer said opening the portal to empireverse.

"My house in the village! I don't wanna deal with Nightmare-" empire said lifting his hand.

"Alright? Hopefully you actually have the place clean" killer said walking into the portal as empire jumped in following in.

They both came in with a very little light.

"Jesus why is there no light?" Empire said looking around for a light switch,

"I swear if you haven't paid you bi-" killer stopped when the light flick on. And there in front of killer was empireverse Nightmare staring down empire killer- empire night soon noticed the other killer in the room, but empire killer had still not noticed Nightmare.

"What? You look li-....yo! Nightmare??!!" Empire killer said looking at his boss who looked like he was ready to snap on empire suddenly empire Nightmares tentacles grabbed the two Killer's.

"...I'm in dangero-" empire killer wisphered as he noticed Nightmare made a portal that was going to dreamtale.

"So- night? Ahhh!" Original killer yelled as Nightmare through original killer in the portal, quickly closing it and only leaving.

Soon it was just empireverse killer and Nightmare.

"Where were you?" Nightmare said in a mono tone voice. Looking killer straight in the eyes. Killer was a bit imitated but he quickly scoff it of as he put,  back his confident persona.

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