jealousy ~

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Nightmare pov

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Nightmare pov

Killer had been missing a lot lately, he hasn't been going to our meetings and always comes home late. First I didn't think much of it but one day he had left for two days and gave me no explanation of what he was doing when he was gone. Also I've been feeling a lot of positive feeling coming from killer.

So one day I started to investigate, killer had gone off to who knows where. I went into this room to see what he might be hiding. Once I was in side (inside what~) this room seem pretty normal and neat. I spend a good minute looking around then out of nowhere a phone rang. I looked around to see where it was coming from. It was killer's phone under his bed.

I unlocked the phone to see a new text messages from "rainbow head" I see what "rainbow head" sent.

rainbow head: hey how are you sweetheart~

Wait? Sweetheart! Does killer have a lover?! I felt something in my chest think about killer, with some other girl or guy! I just stared at his phone with shock.

So that explains why killer has been so happy and why he has been leaving a lot. I slowly think about the day when killer left for two days, did they do i- . I snapped at my self to think of that.
I heard the door open to see killer by the boot way. He seemed surprise to see me.

But never mind that I came here to get answers! And know I'm getting answers!

I wrapped around killer's waist and brought him closer to me. He seemed frightened when I did so, dam it why is your face so cute~

Killer pov

Nightmare had me wrapped around, I could tell he was mad about something, I noticed he had my phone in his hand, I was scared for my life, because if he found out I had a boyfriend he would kill me. He tilled my head to look at him.

Nightmare: killer could you please explain this.

He showed me a message of color calling me sweetheart.

Killer: u-m... Wel-l I have a-

Nightmare: I know your dating someone.

Killer: Nig-htmare what! Noo...

Nightmare: are you sure about that.

Killer: i-

Nightmare has brought his face closer to me.

Killer: your getting kid-

Nightmare had kiss me, I was complete Shocked we he did so. Nightmare had stopped kissing me, and when he was done he dropped me one the ground. And just walked away, I looked back to see nightmare giving me a wink. Leaving me in shock but I'm not going to lie...

He's a good kisser.

Done ✔

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