goodbye my queen...(2)

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"dad? i think we should get home.." said a little skeleton holding the hand of a fire head skeleton "yeah...your right melody" color said as he grabbed onto his daughter lifting her up and hugging her against his chest.

It start to rain and they were both getting soaked"Dan it looks were going to have to stay here until the rain pass" color said as he ran under a tree.

Melody sat there looking around to see if they could get home faster.

In the distance she saw mr. Nightmare he seemed to be headin to his big home.

"Dad?" Melody said looking up to her father. "Mh?" Color asked as he looked up to see nightmare, looking over here, color was about to just look away but he saw Melody running over to Nightmare he quickly ran after her but let's just say color wasn't in his best shape...

"Hey Melody" nightmare said in a monotone voice. " Hi Mr. Nightmare but do you think we could stay at your place? Just until the rain stops..." she Said looking down, "um sure-"

"I don't think we-" color and Nightmare look at each other as they both look in different directions. The rain suddenly stopped and the area fell quite...

" You can come to my castle to come dry" he said looking at Melody and refusing to look at color in his eyes.

They made there way to nightmares castle as they got inside, color was confused and amazed of Nightmares home, but they both could look at each other being rivals which now means nothing... Since killer is gone.

Melody was the child of killer and color but something went wrong and he's gone now, Melody is now 9 by now.

She and nightmare talk a lot and Melody always talks about nightmare to her friends.

Melody... Is still to young to now what happened to her mother and color could bring him self too talk about killer to her maybe when she's older but color has said that for so long and has never brought him self to tell her.

"Melody you know were the bathrooms are go and dry yourself off" nightmare said as Melody nodded and ran off to the  bathroom.

There was a silents between nightmare and color untill nightmare broke it.


"So..." Color said looking to his side.

"He's- gone hu-h..."Nightmare said holding back his tears remember his Nightmare.

"Nigh- it's bee-n hard-" color said looking at the floor with tears running down his Cheek.

"Nightmar- maybe if he was with you he wou- still..." Color said wiping off his tears.

Nightmare didn't respond and the silence between them countine.

Melody came back all dried up. She easily noticed the sadness in the room and was about to question what was happening but color grabbed her and started to leave.

Melody was questioning her dad and why they were leaving so soon.

But color only left shutting the door behind them.

Nightmare watch them leave and as the door slammed closed.

Nightmare looked down with tears running down his face.

This corrupted from started to slowly leave him as he started to kneel down crying...

" W-hy did y-ou choo-se him!" Nightmare yelled with tears running down his face.

My qu-een! why did-n't you choo-se me what does he have tha-t I don't have....

If yo&u choo-se me we coul-d have been so ha-ppy!!!!

Bye the way Melody is my original character I'm made I have a few videos on my YouTube channel she's the girl with the blue💙 hair and change eye color.

Also she's got older and found out about her mother that's why she hates crescent because she blames nightmare and his family for her mother death.

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