fake girlfriend (1)

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This chapter is only on cream
Human au
Discovering sexual

Dream was walking down the hallway reading a book suddenly he heard a something big hit the ground he jumped almost dropping his book. Dream walked over to where the sound was, he looked over as into the room to see cross on the ground, with both killer and dust trying help him.

"Uh killer....? what happened, why is cross-"

"He got rejected by his crush amy and now he's depresed... sad" dust said cutting of dream. "Yeah pretty much, he did a whole speach that he will never fall in love again?" Killer said more blank.

Dream sighed as he walked over to cross on the floor as he looked down at that other boys.

"Come on cross get up... its not so bad-"

"Yes it was dream! She was the love of my life but i was too late she has a boyfriend-" cross yelled just laying back on the ground.

"Dont try to help him dream, he'll have to get up soon anyway our class will start soon" killer said touching dreams shoulder.

"Yeah? Dont worry happy boy? The only way you can help him is if you help him find a next girl so he can fall in love" dust said sarcastically but dreams ears prick up at the thought, dream just nodded as he left to go to his class as well.

Later in the evening dream ran out, the school passing as he ran away over into the store, a nightmare was trying to look for dream but had lost him. Nightmare just shrugged it off thinking he was justdoing , Nightmare was about to walk away but then he saw cross hugging onto killer as they walked, night felt a little jealously come on to his body but then he saw dust grab cross by his legs as both dust and killer carry cross.

"oh... Just cross being stupid" Nightmare though as he walked to his home not wanting to help them.

Dream went to a parlour as he looked for some clothes, dream was just getting a bunch of girl clothes that looked that could fit him, the more dream thought about the idea the more he was second guessing himself if he should do this.

Dream was about to leave thinking how dumb this idea would be, then suddenly a lady walked up to him "sir? Are you ok? Your seem a bit disrepute?" Dream looked back at the clothes in his hands then looked back at the lady.

"yeah uh... Where do I find more clothes in his size?" Dream said as his mind was at war, "oh over here! I see your getting clothes for someone special ~" The lady insisted as she walked to the clothes hangers. "uh... Yeah something like that-" I mean dream wasn't wrong but he was buying it for himself to help someone else.

By the end dream walked out the store with about of two bags of just female clothing that was for him.

Man dream walked home thinking how he would do this? He can't just show up and expect cross to just instantly like him...? Well his girl version...

Dream made to his home at night, he walked into his home and saw night watching tv. Usually dream would have a big Greeting to his brother but right now too much was on his mind.

Nightmare didn't even noticed dream passed by him too much to the tv, dream was ran pass as he quickly when to his room as he threw the bags of clothes on his bed, as he flopped himself onto his bed, his mind was running wild thinking how he was going to get cross to even just talk to the girl him?

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