Yandere Nightmare x killer (naj au)

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Nightmare pov
Everyone has been talking about the new student coming to school. I didn't think much of it and started to start my lesson.

Haft way through my lesson I could notice that killer was nervous about something. I decide that I would talk to him after classes. It was also the last session so I you be easier for me.

~Time skip~

Nightmare: ok class dismissed except killer I need to have a talk with you.

Killer seemed to be frightened, but he just stayed there quite waiting for everyone to leave. Once everyone had left he got up from this chair and walk towards me.

Killer: yes mr. Nightmare?

I blushed a little of the way he said it. he was so cute and polite, I look at him again he looked confused tilling his head to the side.
Snapped my self out of my thoughts and started to talk.

Nightmare: I've noticed been nervous lately. Is something wrong?

Killer: n-o why wou-ld you as-k?

Nightmare: ok now I know something is wrong.

Killer: it's really noth-ing.

Nightmare: if something is bothering you, you could tell me.

Killer looked down and just walked away, trying to leave but I quickly stoped him.

Nightmare:killer where are you going?

Killer stood at the door and said nothing, he walked back to me and handed me an envelope. I look down on it, I Was about to open it but killer stopped me.

Killer: you could open it when I leave.

Nightmare: what is I-

Killer: could I please go home now.

Nightmare: um sure.

Killer quickly got his stuff and ran home. I looked at him and frowned, me thinking that envelope he gave me has a love letter or something like that.(he knows killer like's him) I open the envelope and what was inside.... Was one picture, I got the picture to see

I was in complete shock. It was a picture of muffet kissing an other random guy. I stared at the picture thinking killer just made it look like that,but the photo was too perfect to be Photoshop.

I could feel tears running down my cheek. my eyes were filled with tears. So much tears that I didn't noticed someone had walked in.

I felt two arms around me, I look back to see my brother dream, at moment I was so desperate for love that just hug him back. Dream got a tissue and started to wipe my tears off when my vision was clearly I could see that cross was also in the room.

Dream: brother are you ok?

Nightmare: no muffet cheated on me.

Cross: we know.

Nightmare: what you knew.

Dream: we saw her kiss some guy in the back of the school.

Nightmare: why didn't you tell me?!

Dream: I would but one day killer saw muffet with a guy at a restaurant were he works and ask if you broke up with her. I said no but he explained we needed proof that she was actually cheating on you

Cross: killer had gotten the picture, but none of us wanted to give it to you because you seem so happy with her but soon enough we had show you the truth.

Nightmare: but why killer?

Dream: because he cares and even if you didn't think the picture was real he wanted to make sure that you wouldn't hate me.

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